Tuesday, August 5, 2008

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Study of Esther 2 Esther

A) Circumstances:

Four years passed between the events of the first chapter here and those reported in this chapter: Esther 1, 3, 2.16. Four years of silence, during which:
- according to the story, Ahasuerus went to war against the Greeks (Battle of Salamis in 480 BC)
- in God's plan, things are gearing up for that the right time (Mordecai) and (Esther) he chose to enter into His plan ready.

times God never delays, but necessary step for the realization of His plan and His purposes. The events that are the fabric of history does not happen by chance, but they concourrent to the completion of projects of God and the appearance on the world stage of their key players: Luke PC 2.1 to 7 . "Lord and Ruler of the universe, God as He wants to distribute the figures of the chessboard of history: Erich Sauer" which we, as His servants and His servants, lest we forget, the center Zach 2.12; 1 Chr 16.22, Ps 105.8-15

Revenue war, Ahasuerus is alone, without a queen to rule in beside him, and think, probably with some regret at the decision he made about Vashti: v 1. It is a trap for the man, says the book of proverbs, but to take lightly a sacred commitment, and not think that after having made a vow: Prov 20.25. Ahasuerus as others after him (cf. Herod Mat 14.9) in effect by the bitter experience. Young people who are next it does not however allow to languish long in nostalgia and regret for his past. Anticipating the future, they propose instead to watch and happy new perspectives that open before him in the situation.

How we here to learn from them! Our situations are never a failure in God's plan of dead ends or ended our walk with Him. Instead, they are by His grace in His ability to change evil into good: Gen 50.20 often the instrument he uses to achieve His goal precisely. "It is striking," says Packer (Knowing God) to see how many times the Bible refers to the mistakes made by men of God and the punishment that God inflicted Abraham and Ishmael, Moses and the murder of the Egyptian David and Bathsheba or the brothers of Joseph with him. What is remarkable however is that in neither case does the story ends with the fault of man and the wrath of God. Our worst follies, God can bring out the good. "

learn, then in our failures, not to look back and complain about our fate. But with the strength that gives us the grace of God we meet, on the contrary tend toward what is ahead, current back to the goal that is the price of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ: Phil from 3.13 to 14. Do we condemn does not unnecessarily when God condemns us more!

B) The selection of Esther

The beauty contest launched, the two main characters of history, both members of God's people in exile: v 6, made their appearance and Mordecai Esther. Who were they?

1) Mordecai

a) its origin: he was a descendant of one of the most illustrious families in Israel: 2.5 son of Shimei, David's enemy and kinsman of Saul first king of Israel: 2 Sam 16.5. An origin which is important since it will face, as was always the case, that of Haman, a descendant of Agag, the enemy of Saul in his time: 1 Sam 15.7-8; to Exodus 17.13 16

b) his relationship with Esther : he was both cousin and guardian of Esther: 2.7. By replacing Esther's father had lost, perhaps in fighting related to deportation, Mordecai came already in the will of God and the divine role prepared for him for his cousin Ps 68.6; 27.10, 10.14. This is not primarily in accomplishing great things, but in faithfulness in the little that stands out the vocation of a future man of God: Luke 16.10-11; Mat 25.23

c) attitudes in the situation he is placed:

1) vis-à-vis Esther, his protegee :

- he watches over her, stating precisely what behavior she should do in the situation story in which it occurs: v 10. He was echoing the specific recommendations given by Jesus to His disciples regarding their attitudes and to behave in this world: Mat 10.16.

All situations in which is God's people are not alike. Sometimes he has great freedom of worship and movement, so he took the opportunity to testify openly about his faith and practice without fear their "religion." At other times he lives under the rule of a totalitarian government and does not tolerate any sectarian worship or any form of worship than that officially recommended: it will do so in order not to unnecessarily provoke retaliation and persecution, but act with caution making sure not to flaunt indiscriminate belief and identity while by not denying anything about them in the personal and private life: Esther 3.8. No doubt however that the fact that here the king not to inquire into the origin and identity of the new queen is an oversight that spring more from the sovereignty of God than mere human carelessness!

- continues, despite the fact that it is not under his direct protection, to express to her a paternal solicitude and attention daily v 11. His concern here, the text literally says, is to have peace of Esther, that is to say what state of mind is its protected environment other women of the harem.

Is not this also, since his departure, the attitude of our Lord to His people left in this world: John 16.27-28. Although we do not see, He is there every day that God watching over us and extending his gaze to support all those whose heart is perfect toward Him: 1Chr 16.9; Mat 28.20. That is our peace, that is to say the quality of relationship with Him that we inquire first. It is known that, whatever the circumstances, if our hearts can remain in the calm and confidence, then we can be strong: Isaiah 30.15. If by cons, we are plagued by fear and anxiety, thoughts wildest wave then our soul and arouse in us the reasoning wildest and most wicked: Isaiah 57.19-21; Phil 4,6 - 7. May our God be praised for what He has daily care of our peace, that is to say, our well-being and security of our faith!

- it remains for her the supreme authority to which it refers, even after his marriage to Ahasuerus: v 20. A reality that we must always remember what place we keep to our Lord in all situations. He is the Lord that we must bid first and foremost another:
. Parents: Luke
2.48 to 49. spouse: Luke 14.26
. human authorities: Proceedings from 4.18 to 20

Our submission to men can not do that to the extent that it does not impinge on the first submission that we owe to God. Note here the prowess of Esther realizes that his situation in the difficult challenge of pleasing her husband pagan, to obey his Jewish guardian and remain faithful to his God and the faith of his fathers!

2) vis-à-vis Ahasuerus, his sovereign :

- although exile in a country which is not his own, subject to constraint by an authority that has not chosen, Mordecai not shown in the position of any reaction of revolt and bitterness. Instead, it manifests in respect of Ahasuerus perfect loyalty: v 21 to 23 which, in time, will not be forgotten: ch 6. It follows that the attitudes and recommendations:
. Jesus towards our enemies: 5.44
Mat. Jeremiah the prophet, who spoke ahead of its time in this sense for this situation: Jer 29.7

note again again the close link here between loyalty to a man's duty and its use by God in His purposes and His sovereign plan. Even sovereign, God's work is not done without or outside of us. On the contrary! Loyalty and obedience to men of God and His Word is the anchor on which God often uses to achieve the great purposes of His heart. Other examples:
- Joseph in Egypt: PC Gen 40.14, 41.9 to 14
- Moses Heb 11.24-25;
Acts 7.23-35 - Daniel: Dan 6,11.27
to 29 - more Closer to home, Martin Luther, for example

Mordecai knows more than one thing: that since her marriage to the king, the fate of Esther is linked to his. He has every interest in seeing both him and her, knowing, as the proverb known, that the friends of our friends are our friends, but that their enemies are also ours: see Luke 9.50. Note again how the recommendation given by the silence Mordecai to Esther about its origin was correct. Without it, no doubt that the two eunuchs of the king angry against him would have been more cautious and would not, as they did, talked about their criminal activities in his presence. If a little madness can prevail over the wisdom, the opposite in certain situations is also true: Eccl 10.1.

2) Esther

a) situation and origin :

- his original name was Hadassah which means myrtle, "a humble shrub whose leaves are always green fragrant" ( Annotated Bible). Perhaps in this image do we discern some of the already strong features of the personality of the future queen
- humble
- full of life (sappy)
- Full of Grace (perfume)
all grades which can only please and seduce a man!

- she was an orphan, having lost father and mother very early (perhaps during the wars against Israel and Judah Nebuchadnezzar or deportations that followed). His position placed it in fact, by nationality and status under the watchful eye of the goodness and mercy of God: Ps 68.6; 10.14.
- it was adopted by Mordecai, her cousin, who practiced in respect of the works of religion consistent, pure and undefiled: Jac 1.27

b) qualities :

- its primary quality was his most visible great beauty: 2.7. A quality it shares with other women of the Bible:
. Sarah, Abraham's wife Gen
12.11 to 14. Rebecca, wife of Isaac: Gen 24.16
. Rachel, wife of Jacob: Gen 29.17

This trait similarity of Esther with the 3 most important women of Israel (God Is not the first God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Acts 3:13) not the place does not in history on a par with that?

Note: Contrary to what we sometimes think God is not enemy of beauty. "He made everything beautiful in its time, said Ecclesiastes: Ecclesiastes 3.11. He will make the Church, the Bride of His Son, glorious, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and without blemish: Eph 5.27 . Even if the supreme beauty is expressed to Him in holiness: 1 Peter 3.1-4, it is not unreasonable that a woman makes beautiful and tries to please her husband: 1 Cor 7.34; Cannot 1,8.15; 2,10.13; 4,1.7, 6.10, 7.7. Let us see through all that is beautiful in the creation of the greatest intelligence Esthetician: God the Creator.

It is thanks to her beauty, visible in its appearance but also in its character (2.7: lit: beautiful appearance and good-looking) Esther won the favor of first Hegai, guardian of women and of Ahasuerus, king of Persia : 2,9.17.

- its other major attribute that appears in this text is its docility and submission, to Mordecai, her guardian: 2,10 and 20, but also to Hegai, guardian of women, his adviser in the circumstances: 2.15 . Thus, despite its elevation, Esther "can not get a big head." She knew how to remain what it is and keep the spiritual attitudes that had marked his life so far. A good illustration of the value of established principles in education from childhood to adult life: Prov 22.6.

Note here the wisdom of the recommendation of Mordecai asked Esther to remain silent about its origin. Such information was known, Esther would have found it through the eyes of Hegai and King? And if Esther had not obeyed his uncle, would it not, for a word spoken too quickly aborted the plan of God? Obedience (or disobedience) to a detail of God's will may seem a small thing, but it can result in very large: cf Gen 3.1, 3.4 to 5 Jac.

C) The election of Esther

On first reading, the story of the election of Esther in place of Vashti appears as a beautiful fairy tale (Cinderella). Do we realize, however, the personal price he had to cost for a future queen
- its separation for one year with Mordecai, her protector, who had known so well to replace their missing relatives:
v 12 - its obligation to submit to rites and procedures, of course, could discard it:
. Period finishes: v 12: one year during which she could probably not participate in religious festivals
experienced by his people. test last night with a pagan king: v 13

This story reminds us that the ways of God to His people, called to be involved in His plan in history, does not always go by their propriety or paths they have chosen:
- Joseph would he himself, if God did was forced chosen the path of slavery and prison to serve God and ultimately save his brethren, Gen. 50,
19-21 - Jesus himself would not He preferred to avoid the path of the cross if He otherwise he could accomplish his mission of salvation for the world: Mat 26.39

Thus, for every servant of God called to a mission of salvation, the way he goes through renunciation and self-skinning , plans, wishes and dreams for personal identification to complete the thought and the will of God. This is often at the end of the road that we realize, ultimately, that it was the most good, most enjoyable and most perfect: Rom 12.2. Meanwhile, we must walk by faith, trusting in God that He knows what he does and does not deceive us about the nature of His intentions for us : Jer 29.11

D) Conclusion:

We're at the end of Chapter 2 and already before the dawn the character that was evil, all dice are thrown to the read the full story:
- Esther of Jewish nationality, occupies the place along Queen of Ahasuerus, King
- Mordecai had the opportunity to positively shine before the king. Even if the incident is forgotten, the royal chronicles in which it is registered will be able to remember in time.

A reality that reminds us that in the grand scheme of history, Satan never comes first but second. Omnipotence and omniscience, pertain only to God and all those who oppose him, whatever they are, will do sooner or later all charges. God gives us, as a chosen people, to keep faith in him even when evil seems to triumph and nothing seems to stop. Christ, seated on His throne, is one who, in history, has the last word: Heb 10.12-13


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