Monday, August 11, 2008

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Book summary

A) Introduction:

God's action in the book of Esther, as we have seen, is like a veil. The story takes place in a dark period in Israel's history, during which God, the sin of His people, lies to him: Isaiah 45.15; Jer 33.5. We do not seek in these pages accurate prophecies or types of Christ in a dazzling light. But if we look with faith on this story, we do not fail to discover more by contrast than by analogy, the contours more or less clear of prophetic events to come.

B) Key lessons from the book of Esther:

1) salvation by grace:

Obtaining Grace:

Ahasuerus, as king, is the representative of supreme power and absolute. In this perspective, we can compare, contrast, Esther's approach to him at the approach of man towards God

- Esther enters the presence of a sovereign cruel and arrogant.
- It was not called but went with him through his own initiative
- The law was against her
- She has no one to introduce
-The king's favorite is his worst enemy

- We are approaching a God of love and grace: Heb 4.15 -16
- God's call rang constantly: Come to me! : Mat 11.28; Isaiah 55.1
- The promises are there for us: John 6.37; Jer
29.13 - We have the Holy Spirit: Eph 2.18
- In Jesus Christ we have a lawyer who pleads our cause before the Father: 1 John 2.1

If a wicked king can take a positive view of one of his subjects and to pardon him, how much is it for our God and Father: Luke 18.1-8

2) the instrument of grace: the cross

The gallows for Mordecai and used for the loss of Haman becomes the instrument of salvation Jews and soothe the anger of the king, Esther 7.9 to 10. Have we not here the announcement of the veiled cross, the Savior of the world is indeed dead, but when Satan received its coup de grace? And is not the cross that God's wrath was appeased forever to the sinner: Rom 5.9.

3) the messengers of grace

The defeat of Haman did not remove the danger of death to the Jews. It was still cancel the effects of his wickedness: Esther 8.3. Similarly, the cross Satan was defeated, but the adverse consequences of its actions continue to be felt worldwide. So the sinner saved by grace should he become a soul winner. Esther is an exemplary model. After being rescued, she never ceases to act and to intercede for the favor she has been the subject is given to all his people: Esther from 8.3 to 6. She knows that her home royalty has no other purpose than hello: Esther 4.14. Realize we still aim for what we have been saved and associated with Jesus Christ in His kingdom: 2 Cor 5.14 to 15.

The good news of the deliverance of the Jews is written by Esther and Mordecai in the king's name: Esth 8.8 to 9, then translated into all languages of the 127 provinces of the kingdom. The good news of the kingdom shall be preached in the world for a witness unto all nations: then shall the end: Matt 24.14.

4) the effects of grace

For those who are the object, gladness: 8.16, rest: 9.16 and entry into a continual feast: 9.17; PC Luke 15.20-24. For others, it is fear, a fear that becomes beneficial however when drives them to enter into the covenant of grace: 8.17.

C) Christ the Liberator:

The true liberator of the Jews in the book of Esther is Mordecai. The different stages of his life retrace the route of another deliverer greater than himself: Jesus Christ:

Humiliated and depressed:

phase of the life of Mordecai during which he accomplishes his task humble porter of the King: 2.19, 4.2, 6.12 is like a sketch of the earthly life of Jesus, servant of the Lord hidden in the humble carpenter's mantle: Mark 6 3. Mordecai's loyalty to established authority: 2.19 to 23 is a reflection of Christ's obedience to the Father in all stages of his life: Luke 2.40-52.

Aimed at the gallows:

Several heroes of the Old Testament, by the events of their lives, announced the sacrifice of the Son of God: Isaac, Jonas ... Mordecai, sentenced to death and providentially spared, is a well. None of them however far he has gone is gone, till death: Phil 2.8. At this price it was our eternal salvation before God.

Issued and glorified:

As Mordecai was delivered from the gallows, Christ was delivered from the bonds of death. Only after the appeasement of divine wrath on the cross: 7.10 that the Savior was filled to honor God by: 8.1 to 2. After the fall of Haman and the rise Mordecai, Esther, unashamedly, reveals what are the links that unite than that which the king honors: 8.1. The glorification of Christ Ascension sounded the hour of testimony, the time when His people must know all the spiritual kinship that binds them to Him: Luke 12.8-9.

In possession of full powers:

When the royal messengers have completed their task: Mat 24.14, out of Christ the King dressed in official royal authority: 8.15; Luke 19,12.15 . It will be a day of joy for the new Israel of God, which will finally recognized the divine authority of his Messiah. His appearance will guarantee the final triumph, marked by the glory of His people: 8.16-17a. The manifestation of His power: 9.4 plunge nations in fear of the Jews and they will be made invincible: Deut 11.25. Then it will pull revenge of his enemies and give His people rest and joy: Ps 58.11, Ps 149.6-9; Isaiah 35.4, 59.17 to 18. The tribute paid to Ahasuerus: 10.1 is a small tribute to the prophecy that one day will make the whole world to the Sovereign of heaven and earth: Ps 22.28 to 29. Meanwhile, He intercedes with the Father for us and pleads for the happiness of His people: 10.3 ; Rom 8.34.

D) The book of Esther, a novel of Providence:

Though God is hidden from His people, He does not fail to manifest anyway His omnipotence by His providence. Providence that manifests itself here:

In seemingly insignificant details:

- refusal of a queen: 1.12
- the beauty of a captive: ch 2
- oblivion of a monarch: 2.19 to 23
- chance of fate
3,7.12 - the whim of a capricious monarch: 5.2
- the reluctance of a woman: 5.6 to 8
- a sleepless night: 6.1
- the choice of reading: 6.1 to 2
- the whim of a memory: 6.3
- the zeal of a criminal: 6.4
etc. ...

In every circumstance, without exception

Nothing happens outside the sphere of Providence. The actors of the stage, whatever their race, sex, social status, moral worth of their character, their personal reactions, and multiple life events private or national means any moves in the atmosphere of the Providence: Lam from 3.37 to 38. Rom 8.28.

Without any infringement be brought to human freedom:

Apparently men seem to be free of their decision and their destiny. But God is there and He even compete rebellion of men to His glory and His release plan: Rom 9.14-23.

Yes, the Lord is a God who knows everything and everything He wants to be both in heaven and on earth: Ps 135.6.

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Study of Esther Esther

Epilogue of the book:

The book of Esther ends with the abstract and narrative summary of what was the reign of Ahasuerus and the role played Mordecai with him from the day he was associated. This short story is a reflection of what happens (and partly already happening) in the world when Christ, in possession of full powers to exercise authority in communion with His Father: Psalm 2.7 to 8:

- the toll of Ahasuerus by all people near and far, who lived under his rule is the prophetic picture of the tribute that will one day the whole world to the Sovereign of the heavens and the earth under the Government of Christ: Psalm 22.28 to 30; Zach from 14.16 to 19

- elevation Mordecai on the right of Ahasuerus after his victory over Haman is the epitome of that of Jesus Christ, conqueror of Satan by his obedience to the Father unto death on the cross: Phil from 2.5 to 11.

- the role he played when in this position to its people and its place in his heart are the image of Christ is and what is for us since the day of his elevation to the right the Father.
5 things precise, referring also to Christ, we are saying about it:

- Mordecai the Jew was Prime Minister of King Ahasuerus : God, our God is one God, the God of all peoples and all nations: Eph 3.14 to 15. However, under the privilege of election is a Jew, Jesus, will return to perform in His name the power and dominion over all peoples: Gen 12.1-3, John 4:22; rom 9.4 to 5

- the great man of Jewish : no doubt that few people in history have produced many celebrities or influential men in all areas that the Jewish people . But of all, Jesus has been and will remain the largest: Luke 1.31-32

- loved by the multitude of his brethren : Jesus is and will for eternity the Beloved dear to the hearts of all elected: Rev. 5.8 to 14. If we love though, is because He first loved us, and He did not hesitate to give His life and shed His blood to save us and deliver us from our sins, Rev. 1, 5; 1 John 4,10.19

- he sought the good of his people : today this is still the concern of the Lord Jesus to His people: that any work, including things more difficult and unpleasant affect us contribute to our well: Rom 8,28.37-39

- he spoke for the benefit of any race : this is now sense of action of the Son with the Father. As Mediator, Lawyer and Priest, He continues to pray and intercede for us: Rom 8.33, 1 John 1.2; Heb 9.11 to 12

To Him who sits on the throne and the Lamb, praise, honor, glory and power forever and ever! Amen:! : Rev. 5.13 to 14.

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biblical text


King Ahasuerus imposed a tribute to the countries and islands of the sea all the acts of his power and his exploits, and details on the magnitude to which the king made Mordecai , are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of the Medes and Persians? For Mordecai the Jew was the first after the king Ahasuerus, considered among the Jews and loved by the multitude of his brethren, he sought the good of his people and spoke for the happiness of his race.

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Study of Esther 9 Esther

A) Defense of Jews against their enemies: v 1 to 16:

1) the date on which the events took place:

was the 13th day of 12th month, a date chosen by Haman himself according to the oracles or omens sages, astrologers or magicians of the kingdom of Persia, he consulted: 3.7. So this day, according to their predictions, would be unfavorable to the Jews was, for a turnaround, unlike the day par excellence of asserting their supremacy over their enemies and their victory. How

today at the dawn of the third millennium, it is still thus:
- instead of relying on God, great and small consult seers and astrologers to make their decision: Ezekiel
21.26 to 27 - the shelves of bookstores and supermarkets are full of predictions of soothsayers and prophets of all hair announcing a golden age or a "new age" for the whole earth.

Like the prophets of the Old Testament, we can be sure of one thing: these predictions will not materialize. Happen in the world, not what the soothsayers and the occultists of all stripes predict, but what God says and decides only: Isaiah 41.21 to 26.

2) the turnaround:

Like Haman, their enemy, many people in history have planned the extermination of Jews. But, just like Haman, their hopes have been disappointed at all: see Isaiah 7.4 to 7; Ezech 21.28. Indeed, just when they thought and accomplish their projects, by the sovereign action of God, this is not them but the Jews who emerged victorious from battle. Where are indeed passed today:
- Hitler's third Reich millennium and his "final solution"?
- Stalin and his plans for destruction?

Israel is still there, more than ever present and powerful on the stage of history. His mere presence among us today, as a nation, is sufficient to show the sovereign action of the providence of God towards them.

Men unfortunately do not learn from history. One last time, led the last Haman, the Antichrist, the armies of the world will gather at the Holy Land, once again, plan the extermination of the Jewish people. But on this day, which will be the 13th of Adar, a turnaround divine and just when they think their reach purposes, it will be God's people who come out victorious and won the battle: Soph 3,8.14-15; Zach 14.1 to 5.12 to 16; Joel from 4.9 to 21.

3) the 2 camps:

Where previously the situation of Jews seemed hopeless, the turnaround has changed all divine:
- the terror of the Jews seized and paralyzed their opponents, making them unable resist them: Exodus 23.27; Joshua 2.9, 1 Sam 14,15; 2 Chr 14.13; 17.10, 20.29: terror whenever Israel has found his place before God and His thanks.
- the dread of Mordecai had seized all powerful and important men of the kingdom, who immediately chose to support his camp: v 3 and 4.

How will he still further the day when Jesus was crucified, and will prove to be manifested at the end of time as the Savior and Redeemer of Israel, His people. His anger will burn so quickly against all those who in their stubborn fool will persist in their anti-Christian and anti-Semitic madness: Psalm 2.10 to 12. On this day, so we'll see many kings, now hostile to Israel, "flipped" and rally the cause of the Messiah: Isaiah 19.16-25; 2.1 to 4, Zach 14.16.

What folly, however, among those who, faced with evidence that the winds of history had turned, persevered in their determination to fight at all costs want the Jews and their prince. He will know, like their mentor and his son, that their plight was reserved: v 5-10, Isaiah 14.21.

Similarly, since the resurrection of Jesus, the wind of history has turned: Acts 2.36; Rom 1:5; Heb 10.12-13. The return of Jesus, Son of God, will not, therefore, all about joy. Because Paul says, He will come from heaven with mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God and those who do not obey His gospel. It will then be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and the glory of His strength: 2 Thes 1.6 to 10. How too, while there is still time and before it is too late, is it urgent to make peace with Him: 2 Cor 5.20 to 6.2.

4) the role of Esther in the victory of the Jews: v 12-13:

She again gives a double request:
- as a sign of a symbol for anyone who persists in complying with the decree of Haman, son killed his ten were hanged on the same gallows as their father
- an additional period of 24 hours is granted to Jews in the city of Susa in self-defense against their opponents.

Both requests vengeful and bloodthirsty nature can surprise us in the mouth of a woman of such great quality. They include, however, well if you enter:
- that what is at stake here is not simply a matter of interest but the very survival of the people of God
- in the spirit of Esther, her application is not motivated by an insatiable thirst for revenge, but in the mere application of the just punishment that deserved the enemies of the Jews.

Two obvious signs show that pure desire for justice that inspired Esther to Ahasuerus in his application:

- the fact that, while winners and superior to their adversaries, the Jews are not allowed to engage, as c ' was often the custom, looting and abuses: v 10 and 16. Their goal was to defend and not to go very bad in the eyes of all the other inhabitants of the kingdom of Persia. In doing so, they were justified and were spared what other kingdoms have failed to learn after being instruments of God to exercise His decision: to be considered in turn: 1.9 to 12 Amos Obadiah 10-16; Isaiah 10.5 to 7.12- 13.

- the warning was clear that the enemies of the Jews for the public hanging of the son of their enemy to the gallows when he himself had perished. Was not she in some way an invitation was sent to them to abdicate and renounce to follow the instructions of the decree which they claimed murderer?

Another reason biblical at the request of Esther is that it, as a Jew, bends to the biblical law of retaliation: an eye for eye, tooth for tooth: Exodus 21.24. It does not yet know Jesus, by His word, will teach from God surpassing any other Act and exceeding that given in the Old Testament law of forgiveness and love which applies not only to his brothers and friends, but even to his enemies: Matt from 5.43 to 45.

Do we not surprised, however, the severity of judgments that will reach the enemies of God, even on the order of Jesus, our Savior, Rev. 6.1. 8.1. They are the expression, not the year of grace, but the day of His wrath: Luke 4.18-19; Isaiah 61.1-2, Rev. 6.16 to 17.

B) Purim: v 17 to 32:

The days of fear are gone, the Jews made the two days following their release, 14 and 15 of Adar, Holidays, rest and joy. The institution of a holiday after a day of victory and its transformation into secular tradition is not unique to Jews, but common to all peoples that have experienced war and oppression: for example: 8 May, anniversary for the French end of the second world war ... However, the fact that almost 25 centuries after the fact, it is still commemorated, however, takes a spiritual and prophetic other. Let's see what this festival of Purim for the Jews and what it can to teach us, people of the New Covenant and believers from the pagan world:

1) Purim for Jews :

- It was officially instituted by Mordecai and Esther with a double letter: v 20 and 29, so that not only those who had experienced the event, but their descendants do not forget no: v 31. It is a constant concern of the Lord that the deeds of the spiritual history of God's people do not fall into oblivion, but are:
. recorded in Scripture: Exodus 17.14
. commemorated as a traditional festival that is retained in the memory: Exodus 12.14
. recalled and told to future generations so they do not forget: Joshua 4,6-7.21-22, Psalm 78.5-6

This perpetuation of remembrance is especially necessary for the people of God in times of distress and suffering. She reminds him that if he now through a difficult time, it has not always been this way and that God may, as He once did, the issue of his enemies perfectly and all its tribulations: Ps 77.11 to 13. She also serves as a base of prayer and supplication for God's people in times of trial, exile or temporary abandonment: Psalm 44.

- It is for Jews of all time, the clear message from the Lord that if, for a time, he is obliged, because of their sins to hide His face, His faithfulness to the covenant that He contracted with them can not fail them and guarantee their future their supremacy and their future security as a people elected earth: Deut 31.17-18; 32.19-20; Jer 3.12 to 13; Ezekiel 38.18-22; 39,21-22.29. On this day, the time of Jacob's trouble, which has now lasted for centuries, is finally over: Jer 30.7 to 11; Rom 11.28-29. It is also therefore a clear warning of what will happen to anti-Semitic of all time: Genesis 12.3

- It would be a day of joy and celebration for all the people. Therefore on this day:
. messages of peace and loyalty were sent to all Jews in all provinces of the empire: v 30; see 3 John 2, 1 Thess 1.1 ...
. mutual exchanges of gifts were made: v 19. Welcomed by the issue made by God, we congratulated each other trying to cheer each other by this
. we made donations to the poor so they are not excluded from the party, but they can rejoice with all: v 22. Nobody should be excluded from the party because of poverty or poverty (how it is different for Christmas Day, remember the coming of our great Savior and Liberator ...)

- It is still commemorated today by the Jews of our time as follows. On this day, we read the book of Esther and we made 3 prayers:
. a prayer of praise and thank the Lord for the grace to participate in this festival.
. another prayer of praise to the Lord, thanking Him for deliverance and protections granted to His people in past centuries
. a final prayer of praise to the Lord thanking Him for giving them life in order to participate in this ceremony

A feature at the festival: to read the name of Haman, they all cry out: "Clear his name! "Or" The name of the wicked will disappear! "Amid the din of young people, the name of Haman son of vote in a single voice broadcast, a reminder that the hanged together.

2) parallel the Christian holiday of Purim:

It can be seen in the Holy Communion in the traditional institution or other Christian holidays like Christmas or Easter. In these days of celebration and joy, where gifts are exchanged and where everyone, rich and poor participate, we Remembering:
- or the coming of the Lord in this world
or - His death and His resurrection for us: 1 Cor 11.23-26
- in any case, His victory and His complete triumph over the enemy

That motto of our Christian life is the same as that adopted in all its tribulations, the apostle Paul: "Rejoice in the Lord always: Phil 4.4."

The Kiss By Joby Talbot


biblical text
Revenge of the Jews

the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the month, the day had to execute the order and edict the king, and where the enemies of the Jews had hoped to rule over them, it was the opposite happened, and the Jews ruled over their enemies. The Jews assembled in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, to lay hands on those who sought their destruction, and no one could withstand them, because the fear they had seized them all peoples. And all the heads of provinces, the satraps, governors, officials of the king, helped the Jews, because of the terror that inspired them Mordecai. For Mordecai was great in the king's house, and his fame spread in all provinces, because it was becoming increasingly powerful. The Jews struck down all their enemies with swords, they killed them and made them die, they treated him as they pleased those who were hostile to them. In Shushan the capital, the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men, and they killed Parschandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, Porath, Adalia, Aridatha, Parmaschtha, Ariz., and Vajezatha Arida, ten son of Haman, son of Hammedatha The enemy of the Jews. But they do not lay their hands on the plunder. That day, the number of those who were killed in Shushan the capital, came to the attention of the king.

New application of Esther to Ahasuerus

And the king said to Queen Esther: The Jews have killed and destroyed in Shushan the capital, five hundred and ten of Haman son; qu'auront they did in the rest of king's provinces? What is your request? She will be granted. What do you want more? You get it. Esther said: If the king's pleasure, it is possible for Jews who are in Shushan to act tomorrow also according to the decree today, and we hang ten wood son of Haman. And the king commanded to do so. The edict was issued in Susa. They hanged the ten son of Haman and the Jews who were in Susa gathered on the fourteenth day of the month Adar and killed three hundred men in Shushan. But they do not lay their hands on the plunder. Other Jews who were in the king's provinces gathered themselves together and defended their lives, they procured the rest by freeing themselves from their enemies, and they killed seventy-five thousand of those who were hostile to them. But they do not lay their hands on the plunder. These things happened on the thirteenth day of Adar. Jews rested on the fourteenth, and they made a day of feasting and joy. Those who were in Susa, having gathered on the thirteenth day and the fourteenth day, rested on the fifteenth, and they made a day of feasting and joy. Therefore the Jews of the campaign, who live in cities without walls, make the fourteenth day of Adar a day of joy, feasting and celebration, where sending portions one to another .

Institution of the Feast of Purim Memorial

Mordecai wrote these things, and he sent letters to all the Jews who were in all the provinces of King Xerxes, near and far. They prescribed every year to celebrate the fourteenth day and the fifteenth day of Adar as days where they got the rest by freeing themselves from their enemies, to celebrate the month when their sorrow was turned into joy and desolation in their holiday, and make these days the days of feasting and joy when sending portions one to another and where they distribute gifts to the poor. Jews undertook to do what they had already begun and that Mordecai wrote them. For Haman the son of Hammedatha Agagite the enemy of all Jews, had planned to destroy them, and had cast Pur, that is to say fate, to kill and destroy, but Esther having appeared before the king, the king ordered by writing to fall back on the head of the wicked Haman plan he had devised against the Jews, and hang in wood, he and his son. That's why they called these days Purim, called pure. From all the contents of this letter, from what they themselves had seen and what had happened, the Jews took for themselves, their posterity, and for all those who attach themselves to them, resolution and irrevocable commitment each year to celebrate these two days, in the prescribed manner and at the appointed time. These days should be remembered and celebrated from generation to generation in every family, every province and every city, and these days of Purim should never be abolished among the Jews, nor erase the memory of it among their descendants. Queen Esther, daughter of Abihail, and the Jew Mordecai wrote in a manner pressing a second time to confirm the letter of Purim. They sent letters to all Jews, within one hundred twenty-seven provinces of King Ahasuerus. They contained words of peace and loyalty, to prescribe these days of Purim at the specified time as Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther had established for them, as they had established for themselves and their posterity, on the occasion of their fasting and their cries. Thus the order of Esther confirmed the institution of Purim, and it was written in the book.

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Study of Esther 8 Esther

The big change:

this chapter we are surprised by the rapidity of changes taking place, following the royal decree of execution of Haman, the day of his death: v 1. For us believers of the new covenant, this day evokes another day: one in which, on the cross, Jesus gave up the ghost, performing to perfection the work for which the Father had sent him: John 19.30, Luke 12.50. That day also already signs of big change was going to introduce to the world and for men the victory of Christ over death, sin and the enemy showed themselves to go to the end and then still greater increase: Matt 27.51-52. The story of Chapter 8 and reported 3 consecutive major changes to the victory of Esther about Haman

first change: a change of position:

For Mordecai, the king revealed as both the uncle of Esther, but at the same time as the real instigator of the issue of Jews and turnaround: v 1 and 2. With a single anonymous man in the kingdom of Ahasuerus, Mordecai is suddenly elevated to the status of favorite and first minister of the king. A striking resemblance to that experienced in their time Joseph, son of Jacob in Egypt: Gen 41.37-43 and Jesus Christ at His resurrection: Phil from 2.5 to 11.

Mordecai, however, was far from being unknown to Ahasuerus. His name and his works have fallen into the dungeon, he was reminded by God that night that preceded the second meal of Esther: 6.2 to 3. This memory left by the testimony of Mordecai when he was a servant among others helping, Ahasuerus had no trouble immediately grant him his confidence.

For many of our contemporaries as the name of Jesus fell into the dustbin of history. As for the king Ahasuerus, long the Gospels, the book of memoirs of His Life, His Works and His deeds are no longer open. While the contemporary Jesus knew what He had does: Acts 10.39, our contemporaries do not know anything. Our duty is of course to remind them and teach them about it for this witness to be announced and proclaimed to the end: Matt 24.14. For many, however, the enthronement of Christ and His establishment in this world as King of kings and Lord of lords to the Father's right hand will be a total surprise: Psalm 2.7 to 9. Yet they would have to prepare for the resurrection of Christ is unique in the annals of history, saying the only fit for this position before God: Rom 1:3-4; Rev. 5.1 to 5.

A second reality expressed by the replacement of Haman by Mordecai at the helm of affairs of the kingdom of Ahasuerus is that if the Devil is now the prince of this world: 1 John 5.19; Eph 2.2; John 14 , 30, Luke 4.5 to 7, it will not always be so. No! darkness does not always prevail, but the light, justice and freedom will shine when the Son of David will be there: Isaiah 8.23 to 9.6.

A change of situation for the Jews, God's people:

A change due to the fervent intercession with Ahasuerus of Esther in their favor. Note here the example it represents to us by the personal involvement and struggle she had to fight to achieve his ends: v 3. Esther's personal salvation is not enough. What she wants is to be included all his people, that not one dies or is lost because of the evil Haman.

noted here that the courage of Esther, for the second time, gives his life to the king, weeping and intercession for his people and, finally, finding once again through his eyes: v 3 and 4. Grace is the principle upon which the king began accepting Esther cf 5.2 to 3, it hesitates not dare to take this opportunity to ask the unthinkable: that the king who is the signer of the decree condemning her and her people is now the one who directs the hello and postage.

Dare we too close to God based on grace from Him to demand the implementation of all His promises and all the decrees of His Mercy: Heb 4.16. If Esther was able to find favor with a Ahasuerus, how much more God has become our Father and our Friend in Jesus Christ, we will He be favorable Luke 18.1-8. Also believe in the effectiveness of our intercession, if it can not save the world, may at least save the righteous in it: Gen 18.17-33; 19.22. Is not that offend God Himself as He does not dare to send our requests while he himself and invites us to be so cautious in our expectations, so he is willing to give us so much: Isaiah 7 0.10-13, 2 Kings 13.14-19.

If Haman is dead, the effects of his works and the evil which he was the author against God's people survive after him. It was so wicked as the righteous. Their example, the traces they have left in life or in history continue to bear fruit, whether good or evil, long after them: Rev 14.13; Jac 5.11. Similarly, although defeated and vanquished, the effects of the domination of the enemy of humanity are still clearly felt.
What can we expect to be removed and distributed:
- on current and fervent intercession of Christ to the Father: Rom 8.34; Zach from 3.1 to 5, 1 John 2.1 - 2. He is the One who is engaged to the Father for us not to lose any of those entrusted to him, but to resurrect the last day: John 6.39, Luke 22.31
- but also partly, and probably with less power, that of the Church and saints: Ephesians 6.18; Job 33.19-30. How do we fight for the deliverance and salvation of souls that the opponent is still shackled by the effects of his malice and his lies? The prayer (fervent, energetic) of the righteous is powerful and effective: Jac 5.16

A change due to the king's decision at the request of passionate Esther v 7 and 8

Unlike the request of Esther, the king can not purely and simply cancel the decree signed by him in which he gave Haman the right to exterminate the Jews. If he, the king is the first to transgress the laws of his realm, what will it take for his subjects (how much would such a sense of responsibility resides in the consciousness of our leaders.) Ahasuerus has therefore only one possibility: giving carte blanche to Esther and Mordecai to act and ensure themselves the security of their countrymen.

Many people are surprised today that God does not seem to do anything to stop the evil. It would be so easy for him, for example, to destroy Satan and instantly transform the world into a paradise. The answer to this apparent passivity of God is here. Whoever created spiritual beings and humans in His image, that is to say have a free will and freedom of choice, not when they do not use it as He wished, turn against them and destroy them.

Such a reaction would lead to God two things:
- to act against what he himself has started and decided:
to sin - to show his inability to control and regulate his work in such a way be good and not evil triumphs.

is through the cross and that God alone has solved this dilemma. For her, the apostle says, He shows His justice in order to be recognized immediately, while justifying one who has faith in Jesus: Rom 3.24. Nothing can be blamed God. It remains faithful to the commitments made at creation, but at the same time makes possible the liberation of those who long for their liberation from the yoke of Satan: Rom 11.33-36.

A change of perspective and future:

Mordecai established as a favorite of the king in place of Haman, two contradictory decrees concerning the Jews are now underway throughout the kingdom - the first order, inspired by Haman, the book about death and to sentence without possibility of recourse or defense .- The second, edited by Mordecai and Esther, they allowed to defend themselves for their salvation and safety: v 11 and 12.

Similarly, two conflicting decrees, drawn and signed by the hand of God even exist and coexist in today's world for humanity: 6.23 Rom:
- the wages of sin is
death - the gift of God, that's life eternal in Jesus Christ our Lord

Like those of Ahasuerus, the two decrees, since both signed by the hand of God, will be until the end of time irrevocable Gen 3.24; Ezech 18.20; Rom 1.4, 4.25; Heb 6.17 to 20. The good news is announced, joy followed the sadness and desolation: Esther 8.16, 3.15. What

as servants of God and messengers of the Gospel, we are now following the example of these letters sent by the king on his fastest horses: 8.14, for our contemporary zealous emissaries of this good news, because of so much joy, the coming of a Saviour: Luke 2.9-11; Rom 10.14-15.

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biblical text

Mordecai presented to King

On the same day, King Ahasuerus gave Queen Esther the house of Haman, the enemy of the Jews, and Mordecai came before the king, for Esther had informed the family that bound her. The king took his ring, he had taken from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai, Esther, meanwhile, set Mordecai over the house of Haman.

New application of Esther the king

Then Esther spoke again before the king. She threw herself at his feet she cried, she begged him to prevent the effects of the evil Haman, the Agagite, and the success of his plans against the Jews. The king extended the golden scepter to Esther, who rose and stood before the king. She said: If the king is good and if I have found favor with him, if it seems appropriate to the king and if I am pleasing in his eyes, let it be written to reverse the letters devised by Haman the son of 'Hammedatha the Agagite, and written by him in order to destroy the Jews who are in all the king's provinces. For how could I see the evil that would reach my people, and how I could see the destruction of my race?

Agreement king

King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther and Mordecai the Jew, Behold, I have given Esther the house of Haman, and he was hanged on a tree because he laid his hand So the cons Juifs.8 Write to the Jews as you please, on behalf of the king, and seal with the king's ring: for a letter written on behalf of the king and sealed with the king's ring can be revoked . The king's secretaries were called in those days, the twenty-third day of the third month, which is the month of Sivan, and they wrote, after all that was ordered by Mordecai, the Jews, the satraps, governors and heads of one hundred twenty-seven provinces located in India to Ethiopia, to every province according its writing, to every people after their language, and Jews according to their writing and according to their language. They wrote the name of King Ahasuerus, and sealed it with the king's ring. They sent letters by courier with the frames of horses and mules born to mares. In these letters, the king gave the Jews in every city they were, for permission to gather and defend their lives, destroy, kill and destroy, with their grandchildren and their wives, all those of every nation and every province who took up arms to attack, and deliver their goods to pillage, and that in a single day in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, the thirteenth of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar. These letters contained a copy of the edict was to be published in each province, and informed all people that the Jews would be held ready for that day to avenge themselves on their enemies. The couriers, riding on horses and mules, and immediately went in haste from the king's command. The decree was published in Susa, the capital.

Escalation Mordecai

Mordecai left the king with a royal blue and white clothing, a large gold crown and a robe of fine linen and purple. The city of Susa shouted and rejoiced. There was for Jews only happiness and joy, joy and glory. In every province and every city, whithersoever the king's commandment and his decree, there was among the Jews of joy and gladness, feasting and parties. And many people from the peoples of the land became Jews because fear of the Jews fell upon them.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Confirmation Community Service Hours

Survey Esther 7 Esther 7

Time Truth:

Gathered together to feast, the hour of truth for each participant in this royal repast:

For Haman

It seems the previous chapter already no longer be also anxious before going to lunch: 6.14. Crowd that he is on the wrong slope and that his fall has begun with the humiliation he has suffered with the public honor of his visit Mordecai against itself will go intensifying ? What is certain in any case is that in his mind the last words heard before leaving should resonate throughout the path that leads to the palace. Complacency has given way to doubt and fear to pride.

This is from God the first trial that awaits the wicked: the sudden and unpredictable collapse of insurance in which they lived until now: Ps 73.18 to 20. Many misfortunes, "said the Psalmist, often reach the fair, but of all the LORD delivers him. The unfortunate fact cons die by the wicked and led to the conviction, Ps 34.20 to 23. The project

murderer he is the author, with all the negative consequences that results for the two other royal guests the meal he shared, is highlighted: v 4. Having so far been in a position of strength, Haman finds himself alone, left to himself and caught in the cracks of his pride and his own wickedness. Sooner or later, says the Scripture, our sin we finally find: Num 32.23. The sinner is thus the first hapless victim of sin, the first who suffered the fate and suffering: Rom 6.23; Ezekiel 28.18.

Wanting to save his life, it takes so Haman so clumsy that it further increases the degree of culpability and the heinous nature of his behavior: v 8. The law provided for Persian indeed a terrible punishment for anyone who dared to touch or even approach the queen. The Bible tells us explicitly that there exists for every sinner a step beyond which any tear, any remorse, any repentance becomes useless Heb 12.16-17; 4.1 to 2, from 6.4 to 6; Gen 7.16; Matt 25.10-11. For us believers, do not deprive us of grace, but as often as necessary, come to Him to confess our sins and receive His mercy and grace part 1 John 1.9 to 2.1; Heb 4.15 to 16 .

On the evidence of Harborne, a eunuchs of the king who, no doubt, had no sympathy for Haman and disapproved of his plan to condemn and hang Mordecai, the king himself pronounced the sentence that should be applied to him under the circumstances: the death penalty . The wicked, as it is in the fullness of his strength has often many hidden enemies. But just as the wind turns and those who hate it are quick to raise their voices to speak out against him. So Haman perished the same day by the instrument of death he himself had prepared against Mordecai, the righteous. This is the reality behind the cross, under the guise of defeat, makes manifest the reality of victory for Christ under the appearance of victory, sign the defeat of the adversary: Gen 3:15; Col 2.15.

The story of Haman and his tragic end has been repeated so strange in 1953. On the morning of 1 March this year, Molotov, then Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Soviets, received the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps. The latter drew his attention to possible adverse international consequences of the continuing persecution of the Jews. Molotov soon realized that interview members of the Cabinet. At noon on the Kremlin, Stalin opened the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. Members present, he unveiled his plan to extend the "Final Solution of the Jewish problem." The "enemies of the people" (Jewish doctors accused), should be hanged on Red Square on March 9. Stalin explained as follows the prosecution of his intentions:

"Such a punishment is not able to satisfy the thirst for justice of every Soviet citizen. The anger of the masses will turn against the Jews in the country. Over the first three days of its execution, it will be impossible to prevent the people of liquidating Jews, the enemies of our state. On the 4th day, the Jews considered and influential countries will address the Soviet government. They acknowledge in their letter, the terrible responsibility that Jews were responsible. The authors of this letter begging our government to protect the Jews from total destruction. We naturally respond positively to this request. We will do this by deporting all Jews in special camps of the Far North and Siberia, the complete isolation of the Soviet people. But only a third of the deportees reach these special places. The righteous anger of the people to slay the other passages of the many resorts. "

The end of this speech, instead to be applauded, was followed by a deathly silence reigned in the Council. Ministers avoided the gaze of Stalin. The "great leader of the Soviet people" did not expect such a reaction. He got up painfully, swore, and left the room. After the cabinet meeting, Stalin went to his villa in Kunzovo, a suburb of Moscow. Warned by the bodyguards that the dictator had not left her room for two days, the politburo members went to the villa. It was finally decided to force the iron gates leading to the apartments by Stalin's soldiers. On entering his bedroom, these powerful men in the Kremlin were aghast: Stalin lay dying on the ground. Nobody hastened to save her. The doctors were not called until it was too late. On 5 March, the news of Stalin's death was broadcast. March 9, the day the Jewish doctors should have been hanged, the tyrant was buried.

Extracts from the diary of the writer and journalist Ilya Ehrenburg Russian.

For Esther

For her also the moment of truth, when she must finally reveal his true identity to the king is coming. To do so, it presents the facts which make it suffer and is concerned so that they appear to the king as a direct attack on its interests:

- it ranks first in the application of grace and hello it is addressing the king. Aware of the price and the value it has for him (the offer by three times repeated the King to grant up to half his kingdom if she wants it is still not clear evidence) Esther and mixes his personal interests with those of his people. There is no difference in spirit between him and her, between her fate and the threat that as it weighs on him. As he once said Mordecai before, if the people perish, it will perish with him: 4.13; if, cons, and that God saved him from cowardice, did not do his defense, he will live, but it will perish: 4.14.

The attitude of Esther reminds us that the fate of every believer in the world is linked to that of the whole people of God. Zero if it belongs to the people of God, can say that what happened to his brothers, here or there, do not concern him. We are one and are part of the body: 1 Cor 12.12. What about us in the local church? We suffer with those who suffer and we are pleased with those who are honored: 1 Cor 12.26. God gives us in Christ to have the same feelings towards one another: Rom 12.16.

- she especially emphasizes in its request that the threat to her and her people is a harm that is detrimental not only to itself and it belongs to Jews, but also and especially the king yourself: v 4b.

What grace to know as children of God that whatever happens to us, which we reached reached him too. We support him as the apple of His eye: Deut 32.10, Ps 17.8; Zach 2.8. It So when we go through the distress, He goes with us: Ps 91.15. It can not, like King Ahasuerus, or marble, or indifferent to what happens to us.

- she finally identifies with the perpetrator of Ahasuerus, who is the source of all their woes: Haman, the king's favorite: V 6.

Remember also to us that our enemy is not just anyone. It is one he says he was in the order of created beings, being one of the most privileged and most intimate of God: Ezekiel 28.12-15. No doubt the news of the conspiracy and the conspiracy Satan scheming against God, his Creator and Author of all graces which had been trimmed, will not cause him at the same shock and even outrage. So for him, as Haman, more grace is possible. Who sin against the Holy Spirit, he is left with one thing: the terrifying expectation of cases and the heat of the fire ready to devour the rebellious Hebrews 10.26-27. May God preserve us from such a fate and such madness!

For Ahasuerus:

surprised by the revelation that comes from him to Esther about Haman, Ahasuerus a dual reaction:

- Furious, he hastily left the banquet to go to the palace garden. The causes of this sudden departure may be many:
. King needs to be alone to bear the emotional blow of this revelation and an update on this matter. Could he have been so careless about the affairs of his kingdom so that he was blind to the identities of two people who were closest to him:
Esther, his queen, whom he knew yet neither nationality nor cause
Haman, his favorite, whom he has such confidence and which he feels betrayed.

The fury of the king does not bode well for Haman Prov 16.4; 20.2. In that brief moment of absence, the king's heart has struggled to make a decision. Who did he look? His return to the palace when Haman, losing all dignity collapses on the couch where the queen was lying will definitely endorse his verdict and da decision. Haman exits the presence of the king's face veil (the veil depriving them of light was like the darkness of death What were receiving the prisoner: see Matt 27.45) flanked by guards that lead directly to the scaffold he had prepared for Mordecai. The wicked shall fall into the pit he has made and used as ransom for the righteous: Ps 7.16 to 17; Prov 11.8; 21.18.

God's people can rejoice with the psalmist and say: Yes, there is a reward for the righteous, yes, there is a God who exercises the judge the earth: Ps 58.11 to 12

Missionary, Legs Around

biblical text

Esther asks the king reveals his

The king and Haman came to banquet with Queen Esther. The second day the king said unto Esther, while we drank wine: What is your request Queen Esther? She will be granted. What do you want? When it would be half the kingdom it will get. Queen Esther answered, If I find favor in thy sight, O king, and if the king's pleasure, gives me life, that my request and my people, that's my desire! For we are sold, I and my people to be killed, slaughtered, destroyed. Even if we were sold to become slaves and servants, I hold my tongue, but the enemy does not compensate the damage done to the king. The king Ahasuerus answered and said to Queen Esther: Who is he and where is he who proposes to act so?

Haman appointed, convicted and hanged

Esther said the oppressor, the enemy is Haman, the wicked one! Haman was filled with terror before the king and queen. And the king in his wrath, rose and left the banquet to go to the palace garden. Haman stayed to beg for mercy for the life of Queen Esther, for he saw that his loss was arrested in the king's mind. When the king returned from the palace garden into the banquet hall, he saw that Haman had rushed to the bed on which Esther was, and he said: Would it still to do violence to the queen, at home in the palace? When this word came from the mouth of the King, here is the face of Haman. And Harbona, one of the chamberlains, said before the king: Behold, the wood prepared by Haman for Mordecai, who spoke for the good of the king, standeth in the house of Haman, at a height of fifty cubits. The king said: Let it hang Haman! And they hanged Haman on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai. And the king's anger subsided.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

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Study of Esther Esther 6 6

A) The night shift:

The gallows prepared for Mordecai, Esther's first invitation last night just in time to still make hello and ending for the situation of Jews. One night, a period that seems so short but we shall see, in the hands of God, will be sufficient to change the situation and initiate an irreversible process of the issuance of Esther and her people and the fall their persecutor.

Highlights of that night: v 1: King's Insomnia:

We do not know exactly where it is due, what concerns, what thoughts agitated at point of scaring him sleep. Was it curiosity aroused by the approach of the queen, by 2 times, had hidden the reason for his initiative risky to him? Whatever the cause, the king's insomnia is not due to chance. It is the result of the action of God who wants to awaken and draw his attention to a fact and events that have long been forgotten and buried in his memory. Our

insomnia are not always due either to chance. They may also be ways of God to speak to us and remind us of different things:
- to resolve the problem of our anger : Eph 4.26
- to repent and put us in good standing with him as soon as possible:
Psalm 32.1-4 - to urge us to deal urgently with a case: 6.1
Esther - of warn us away from certain roads dangerous for us: Dan
6.2 - to invite us in situations spiritual keys to watch and pray: Matt 26.40-41
The king's desire to be read book of his memoirs

He could have very well to get to sleep ask for something else: that he is preparing a sleeping pill, that he is playing music or being read to something else. Opportunities will certainly not. The fact that the king wishes that night that he read the stories that pertained to his own story is, once again, proof that God was orchestrating all the facts and events that took place there.

How precious it is for us that sometimes God to stop us and remind us out of our memory the events and highlights of our lives:

- when we doubt, the moments where, clearly, we were with God and God with us: 1 Tim 6.12
- when we are accused, the promises through which God assures us of His His grace and favor: Rom 8.31-39
- when we are negligent, a commitment or a promise unfulfilled: 5.3 to 4 Eccl

The memory itself has no power. It is a device that faithfully records accurately and in detail all the accumulated knowledge and actions of our lives. It is the privileged instrument of the Spirit of God:
- to remind us that in time this is useful to us about Christ: Jean
16.13 to 15 - to provide timely reasons for just Judgement of God and his conviction for the lost: Luke 16.25

Glory to God! The memory of God will be erased from his memory all that has been purified and washed by the blood of Christ: Rom 8.1; Heb 10.16-17

His attention drawn to "the affair Mordecai" v 2 and 3

As our brief, the book kept by the chroniclers of the king is faithful to accurately reproduce their respect. For us, everything is laid bare before Him to whom we must realize: Heb 4.13. We all stand before the tribunal of Christ to receive Him as good or evil we have done in our bodies: 2 Cor 5.10; 2,5-11.16 Rom.

Suddenly aware of the debt it owes to Mordecai, the king asked his servants to find out what reward he has received in response to his loyalty. It should not indeed that the ruler who exercises power over the greatest empire the world should be liable in any way whatsoever to any of his subjects! The same God, the Bible tells us, forget any of the actions we have shown love for his name to him or to the saints: Heb 6.10.

Haman's coming early in the morning to complete his crime against Mordecai v 4

He also perhaps did not have much slept. But while he plotted his dark plot against Mordecai, God worked on him in the heart of the king to deliver them. Note here the cascade of events that will lead to the collapse of the persecutor:

- although clearly in a hurry and having in mind what he means to the king, it does not give him time to speak First: V 6. It's not that Haman has the reins in the hands of circumstances, but God. Similarly, in our weakness, we are not left solely in the hands of our opponent more powerful than us, but under the watchful and precise control of God: Job 2.6.

- despite having another project in mind, the pride of Haman excited by the king's proposal that it believes him to be intended, leads him to make himself the punishment that will lead to his humiliation: v 7-9. Similarly, it is by the sentence of their own mouths that Jesus against the leaders of this century will eventually condemn themselves: Matt 27.20-23, Acts 4.9 to 10, 1 Cor 2.7 - 8

- came to ask the head of Mordecai, Haman left the presence of Ahasuerus forced to apply for the Jew he hates himself and cons his words has pronounced: v 10 and 11. One day, too, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord: Phil from 2.10 to 11, those who have loved as those who have hated: 2 Thes 1.8 to 10; Rev. 1.7.

Publicly humiliated by the glory he has given against his will, his worst enemy, Haman returns with his confused and defeated. Such is the situation today is Satan, the proud spirit, since the defeat of Golgotha: Col. 2.15. Aware of the irreversible process involved for their loss, friends and the wife of Haman mean it clear what is the fate to which he must now expect V 13. He abandons his plight and failing to give, in fact, the only common sense advice he needed: to repent of his plan and his plan to destroy the Jews before it is too later. This is the work of the devil, after using the men to serve his purposes, then abandons them to their fate and despair: Mat 27.3-5

With no time to breathe, the servants of the king arrived at the door to take him to the banquet hosted by Queen: v 14. For Esther, too, the night was far from tranquil. Like God, she also began to work to finalize the implementation of its dual commitment to denounce evil and salvation for his people. Haman is now completely taken and entangled in the net it strained: 57.7 Ps. Sooner or later, the wicked shall bow before the good and the wicked to the righteous: Prov 14.19; Rev. 2.9.

B) Conclusion:

No one can fight with God without ending up losing everything. God already gives us in this life, not resist it, but we submit to Him willingly and joyfully: 1 Peter 5.5 to 6

Masterbateing In The Shower

biblical text

Insomnia divine

That night, the king could not sleep, and he did bring the book of records of the chronicles. They were read before the king, and it was found written that Mordecai had told about Bigthan Théresch and the two eunuchs of the king, guards the threshold, who sought to lay hands on King Ahasuerus. The king said: What brand of distinction and honor Mordecai has he received for it? He has received nothing, "answered those who served the king. Then the king said, Who is in the yard? Now Haman was come into the yard the king's house, asking the king to hang Mordecai on the gallows that he had prepared for him. - The king's servants said unto him, Haman is being held in the courtyard. And the king said: Let him come. Haman came in. And the king said: What does it do to a man whom the king wishes to honor? Haman said to himself: What else but me the king would he meet? And Haman answered the king: For a man the king wishes to honor, take the royal garment which covers the king and the horse that the king rises and on whose head a royal crown arises deliver clothing and horse one of the principal chiefs of the king, then take the man the king wishes to honor the horse to walk through the town square, and proclaim before him: That is done to the man whom the king wishes to honor! The king said to Haman, "Take away all the clothing and the horse, as you said, and do so for Mordecai the Jew, who sits at the door of the king does not neglect none of what you have mentioned.

elevation of Mordecai, Haman's humiliation

And Haman took the robes and the horse, and arrayed Mordecai, he walked the horse through the town square, and he cried before him: That and we made the man the king wishes to honor! Mordecai returned to the gate of the king and Haman hurried home, sorry and head covered. Zeresh Haman told his wife and all his friends everything that had happened. And his wise men and Zeresh, his wife said unto him, If Mordecai, before whom thou hast begun to fall, is the race of the Jews, thou shalt not prevail against him, but you will fall before him. As they spoke to him again, the king's eunuchs arrived and immediately drove Haman to the banquet Esther had prepared.

Friday, August 8, 2008

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Study Esther 5 Esther

A) approach Esther with the king

1) Tip:

It took place on the 3rd day of fasting undertaken by all Jews in the kingdom of Persia: 4.16. The commitment of all the people of God in prayer and fasting is the main background of the approach of Esther with the king. A priority that reminds us that in God's work is to be before God before men, that engages our struggle: see Nehemiah 1.4, 2.1 to 5. Before starting on his potential power of persuasion or the goodwill of the king is God first that the queen, and all the people of God which is at this moment the voice and the worthy representative, expects.

2) how to:

Though probably coated with Esther, too, the mourning for 3 days before, this is not so, but bearing the insignia of royalty and of its finest trappings that come before the king. What are the reasons:

- Esther knows that if God has His hand in the success of its approach, it also has its own. The work of God is not accomplished alone, but in close collaboration between God and His people: Matt from 9.37 to 38, 10.1. God will never do for us or our Christian life, nor in our service that we are called to do it ourselves: 2 1,4-5.10 Pier. Only when the obedience of man can be combined with the will of God in full so that God's work can be done.

- If it can not be sure "to the king in his pocket," Esther puts everything on its side so it can be. It teaches us and, to touch others and bring them to rally to the cause for which we want to win, we must do everything in our power to remove their front feet barriers that might cause tripping: 2 Pet 3.1 to 6; Rom 2.22-24, 1 Cor 9.19 to 23, from 10.32 to 33. Therefore have no hesitation to serve God and others all the donations we have received for winning the Gospel: Pier 1 4.10

3) Impact:

soon Esther seen in the trappings of grandeur and beauty, she won the favor of King v 2. Do not see in this immediate reaction of the king that the impact of the attraction and fascination Esther on him, but also and above all, the result of expiating prayers of an entire people and the work of God in his heart: Neh 2.6 to 8. The provisions of the heart of kings are not in their hands, but those of God who turns it wherever he wants: Prov 21.1, Acts 4.27 to 28.

Won her heart, the king held out to Esther, his queen, the golden scepter he had in hand, a sign of both his power and his grace: v 2. How is extraordinary also has access to his King, the Church, the Bride of Christ, adorned with all the trappings of his sanctity and dignity: Eph 5.27. How well dressed and beautiful in His eyes, He could refuse him anything: John 15.7, Prov 10,24; Ps 37.4. The extent of the promises of grace we have been certified by His Word: Ephesians 1.18 to 19 and the access to His throne always open person, among the children of God, comes here to be helped in their needs can and be sure to be welcomed too: Heb 4.15 to 16.

4) the approach:

The invitation from the King Esther to express his desire or his burden, Esther formula as a mysterious and prudent application: v 4:

- She calls in a first time the king and Haman, the enemy at the feast she has prepared the same day. The way of Esther is part of a plan and a strategy developed in advance, probably during the time of prayer and fasting she just passed before God. Esther advance here, not at the pace of his feelings or his human ideas, but according to the plan designed by God Himself to bring them to the rescue. The search for the will of God, putting aside his own person, his feelings, his thoughts or his own way of seeing things or design issue, then obedience still the way by which the work of God and deliverance taking place: see Joshua 5.13 to 15

- during the first meal, it remains mysterious postponing the revelation of its burden and its application to a another meal for tomorrow: v 8. This approach await the king, in human view, could harm him (we know from Chapter 1 how dangerous it is to wait and exasperate Ahasuerus). It can, however, two things:

. to feel the king, by the difficulty of expressing it, how big are the concern and the burden it carries. Esther knows that Part may not be won and that if the king seems to grant her favor, Haman also is in his, 3.1 and 15. Also between her and Haman, his favorite, Esther does not know yet which way the scales will tip his heart.
. allow time to time and God to complete the trap in which Haman is to fall. When we work in the plan and the will of God, we do not need to worry, nor to force the circumstances. God will ensure that our well concourrent and fulfilling His purpose in and through us: Prov 16.7.

B) Reaction of Haman

Flattered by the invitation of the queen and the special privilege that is his, Haman out that day with my heart full of joy and euphoria: v 9. It does not yet know that this joy, like that of all the wicked will be short: cf Luke 6.25:

- leaving the palace of the queen, she disappears already and is immediately transformed into anger and hatred at the sight of Mordecai, the only man refusing to bend the knee before him and give him the honor he feels obliged to be paid to him. Nothing is more versatile than the feelings of human nature. The heart of man is so bad that no joy, so intense it may be, can not last long, something contrary to his pride about his career did not take long to make it disappear.

- although "1000" humane reasons: v 11 and 12, she is unable to reach the fullness of human pride does not support a single thing be denied: v 13. Dissatisfaction, discontent, and basically, the desire to own everything and have nothing that we are either banned, since the beginning of time, the basis for all the sins and rebellion against God and neighbor : cf Gen 3.1.

Blinded by his arrogance, Haman adheres easily to the advice of his wife and his close working without knowing the meaning of God's plan for him: v 14. The kind words and advice we are ready to listen from the others is a good indicator of thoughts and feelings that drive us: Prov 18.8; 26.22, 17.10. May God save us from ourselves more than any other thing: that our hearts go out the sources of life and death for our soul: Prov 4:23; Marc from 7.20 to 23; Jac 3 0.10 to 12.

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biblical text
approach of Esther with the king

The third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the courtyard of the king's house, before the king's house. The king sat upon his royal throne in the royal house, opposite the entrance to the house. When the king saw Queen Esther standing in the yard, she found favor in his eyes, and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter he held in his hand. Esther approached and touched the tip of a scepter. The king said, What hast thou, Queen Esther, and what are you asking? When it would be half the kingdom, she will be given. Esther said: If the king's pleasure, that the king and Haman come today the banquet that I have prepared. And the king said: Go immediately seek Haman, Esther, as desired. The king and Haman went to the banquet Esther had prepared. And while we drank wine, the king said to Esther: What is your request? She will be granted. What do you want? When it would be half the kingdom it will get. Esther said: Here's what I ask and what I want. If I have found favor with the king, and if it please the king to grant my petition and fulfill my desire that the king and Haman come to the feast that I prepare for them, and tomorrow I will answer according to King his order.

Haman stands a gallows for Mordecai

Haman went out that day joyful and contented heart. But when he saw the king's gate, Mordecai did not rise nor fidgeted in front of him, he was filled with anger against Mordecai. However, he knew himself, and he went home. Then he sent for his friends and Zeresh his wife. Haman told them of the glory of his riches, the number of his son, had done everything the king to raise in dignity, and the rank he had given her over the leaders and servants of king. And he added: "I am the only one that even the Queen Esther has allowed the king to the banquet she did, and I'm still invited to her house tomorrow with roi.1 But all this is of no value to me as long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the door of roi.1 Zeresh his wife and all his friends told him: That is preparing a wooden fifty cubits high, and tomorrow morning we asked the king to hang Mordecai, and then you go to the feast with joy King. This thing pleased Haman, and he did prepare the wood.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Kenny Chesney Merchandise

Studies 3 and 4 of Esther Esther

A) Haman

1) Cause and course of his elevation:

third main character in the story of this book, after Esther and Mordecai, Haman sees his elevation to be in a frame and for a specific cause:

- Framework : it occurs "after these events" : v 1: after the Lord has already put in place the people and the elements to defeat the "final solution" to advocate that Ahasuerus to solve the "Jewish question" in his kingdom. As we emphasized at the end of the previous chapter, although apparently all-powerful, evil will be exercised in the world in limits and the strict framework of the permissive will of God.
. Job 1.12; 2.6
. 1 Peter 5.8-10
. 1 Cor 10.13

way God does it ever the enemy to have the last word, neither in history nor in the world of God's people. But even before he started to act to accomplish its deadly work, everything is ready for his defeat and humiliation.

- Cause: weakness and irresponsibility of the king Ahasuerus. The Bible does not tell us why the king Ahasuerus decided suddenly Haman to raise the Agagite. Had he done some act of bravery during the wars that the king was conducted to consolidate his kingdom? He distinguished himself so heroic in one way or another? We do not know. Haman's attitude following his elevation, however, teaches us two things:

a) the first is that one can never exercise too much caution before entrusting important responsibilities of a man. Hence the reason why executives in the church or Israel were not selected based on their skills alone, but that of their attitude and character: Exodus 18.19-23, Acts 6.1-3, 1 Tim 3.1 to 4

b) the second is that the delegation of power or the rise should be done:
- gradually
- having been able to get an accurate idea of the attitude of people:
in service. vis-à-vis other servants.

If someone demonstrates an inability either to work in teams or to serve others, he is totally unfit for anything like responsibility in the kingdom of God: Luke 22.24-27. Therefore, in Bible, virtually all those who exercised spiritual high office had to pass by:

- a difficult time training with humility: for example:
. Joseph in Egypt: Gen 39,4.21 to 23: service in the world among nonbelievers who became a trusted
- either by being the first servant of another: examples:
. Joshua to Moses: Exodus 24.13; Joshua
1.1. Elisha to Elijah, 2 Kings 3.11
. Paul to Barnabas: Acts 11.25-26

The sins of some men are obvious, even before we judge them, in others, they are discovered after the fact: 1 Tim 5.24. How we must be cautious and try to be familiar with the motivations of those to whom we entrust and delegate responsibilities of leadership in every work.

2) character of Haman

Arrived at the highest position in the kingdom after the king, the true character of Haman is revealed. A simple comparison between him and the Lord Jesus tells us how the attitude of the two men is poles apart from each other:

- he likes to see other bow and prostrate themselves before him: v 2
- it does not support someone takes him head and does not recognize his dignity: v 5
- is unable to forgive, but keeps his resentment and cultivates a spirit revenge: v 6
- he did for the people of God as projects of murder and death: v 6

- although Lord, He who was serving others and s' bowed before them: Jean 13.1 to 5.13 to 15
- Jesus endured ridicule, beatings and spitting men never react with hatred against them: Isaiah 50.6, John 19.2-3, Luke 23, 35-39
- Jesus was willing to forgive even his worst enemies. He called the man who betrayed the sweet name of friend: Matt 26.50, Luke 23.34
- Jesus came only for one thing: to seek and save the lost: Luke 19,10.41-42 We
are all similar in nature to Haman, arrogant, wicked, unable to wipe a humiliation or forgive. The purpose of the work of God and the Holy Spirit, making us the redeemed is to transform us into the likeness of Christ: 2 Cor 3.18

B) Cause and consequences of the hatred of Haman:

1) Cause:

The rebellious attitude and maverick against Mordecai of Haman is the root cause of hatred and resentment criminal will awaken in him. It reminds us that in the world, the true believer does not marry and embrace all viewpoints and attitudes that would impose idolatrous. In fact any time, true believers have been found in all latitudes as the fiercest resistance to the pretensions of absolute domination of all dictators on their souls.

Biblical Examples:
- the three friends of Daniel: Daniel 3.10 to 18
- Daniel himself: Daniel from 6.8 to 15
- believers of recent times: from 13.7 to 8 Rev.

Examples of church history : page 22: accurate history of the church
- Ignatius of Antioch
- Polycarp

Whatever the price it may cost us, there are moments in the life of a believer where loyalty to God and his belief must come before any other consideration. It is for moments like this that Jesus has called us, as disciples, to be ready to renounce everything, including our own lives: Luke 14.26. It is always fair in all things obey God rather than men: OR 4.19

2) Consequences:

Mordecai does not hide the cause of his refusal to bow to Haman:
- he was Jewish
v 4 - the first commandment of Jewish law required to worship and serve only one God: Mat 4:10; deut 6.13 to 14; 10.20
is on all the people he was from Haman decided to postpone his hatred.

Fair Haman portrays how these people allows us to make an accurate picture of its peculiarities and its difference from all other peoples of the world:

- a chosen people, set apart to God from the beginning: v 8; Deut 7.6

- a scattered people and infiltrated around the world: v 8; Lev 26.33; Deut 4.27; Jac 1.1

"No nation is capable, like the Jewish people to be widespread, but still so separated other peoples. No one else is at once so national and yet so universal. No other preserves its individuality with equal tenacity, residing in the midst of others if closed and bound. Yet no other comes as a Jew to his place to concentrate and to cope with all circumstances. Everywhere, the Jew can live and get a place, yet everywhere he is a Jew! (Uhlhorn)

- a people which is distinguished by its law to which he submits a priority over other legislation enacted by men: v 8. It is obedience to the law first, just as the Church, as God's people in the world, often spend as protesters or anti-progressive: Proceedings from 16.20 to 21 and from 17.7 to 8

Rappellons we still today ' hui for We, the people of God, His word is and will remain in force until the end and topical: 5.18 Mat. It need not be adapted or accomodée up to date: 2 Cor 4.2. We have not, as a servant of God, please first men but to God: Gal 1.10; 6.14.

Ahasuerus, continuing as it always has since the beginning of the book, on a path of irresponsibility gave his consent to Haman to "make this nation what he pleases" v 11. Genocide is decided and a date (the day before Passover) set: v 13. Two reflections can conclude this story:

- there is nothing worse in this world than to let a man full powers to act at will against those of another race, which they see as enemies, inferior or unnecessary (disabled). History is littered with horror stories in which such freedom, under the inspiration of sin and the devil, inevitably leads: the genocide of the Jews under Hitler, the Armenians by the Turkish Kurds in Iraq, Kosovo by Serb ...

- Man proposes, but it is ultimately God who always provides: 16.1 Prov. Large dates in history are not written at random, but always according to the timetable set by God: Gal 4:4; Acts 4.27 to 28. Do

and never lose sight of in the worst moments of world history and our lives God's sovereignty that has full control of everything that reaches us!
C) The consequences of the king's decree ordering the killing of all Jews:

Then Haman and the king feast wherever it takes knowledge, the king's decree causes strong reactions:

1) in the city of Susa itself : 3.15:

is sadness and consternation. Their reasons:

- disregard the king's feelings and thoughts that inhabit his people. Isolated in his ivory tower, exercising its authority by acting, Ahasuerus was unable to anticipate the turmoil and the type of reaction was going to lead his people from the decision he took, at the instigation of Haman against the Jews. A first lesson from this story is that to govern well, any qualified officer must work to get to know his constituents: their past, feelings and opinions that inhabit them, creed or sensitivity ... Any exercise of authority provided in the ignorance of people to whom it is addressed can lead only to chaos and confusion. "Know well each of your sheep, the shepherd advises the author of Proverbs: Prov 27.23." A word Ahasuerus, in fact, would have needed to hear!

- unfamiliarity with the king of the considerable influence exercised by the people he wanted to destroy the others. Even if the Jews were enemies, they were also friends, many people who believed and which, for some, feared: see Esther 6.13. The state of the city of Susa after the news of the king's decree reveals the degree of rootedness in the people of God in the Persian capital.

2) in Mordecai and all Jews : 4.1 to 3:

It is the pain, grief and despair. A tribulation that has not all bad. Reduced to its end, under threat of death and extermination, it pushes the people of God to two reconciliations:

- with God, many people, in fact, be bring back to pray and fast. Nothing, perhaps, as far as the tribulation, trial or persecution awakens all the people of God to his spiritual duties. What the tranquility and prosperity are incapable of producing is the affliction that makes: 1 Peter 1.6-7

noted the special place occupied by fasting in this story: v 3.16 , as in that of God's people in general, in times of distress and great adversity. Fasting in the Bible class is 6 meanings:
. to humble themselves and be available to God: Leviticus 16.29 to 31
. to ask God for direction and assistance: 2 Chr 20.1-3, Acts 13:3; 14.3
. to repent: 1 Sam 7.6; Jonas
3.5. for listening to His Word: Nehemiah
9.1 to 3. to remember: Zach
8.19. to deliver: Mat 17.21

Some things on the spiritual plane, they seem serious enough and serious for me to fast, to abandon comfort and ease to indulge myself?

- among them: the suffering and acts like a glue that unites hearts: Proceedings from 4.23 to 31. The quarrels and divisions are forgotten. The real people of God are united in fear but also in prayer before her God.

3) Esther : it requires four things:

- to take personal position: v 8.13 to 14. When there is no pressure and no obligation is relatively easy for a child of God to live in obscurity his testimony, limiting it to a pipe or a silent behavior. It is another day of persecution. Is a clear choice, an oral and public position must be taken: see Matt 26.69-75; 10.32 to 33. Am I ready to make my own position for today the Lord or do I often wait to be forced by necessity to do so?

- clearly revealing his identity to the king, v 13-14. So far Esther was silent, the time has now come for her to show clearly how the king and the people it belongs to which side it is. She knows that for this, she risks her life: v 11. But that, replied Mordecai, the price to pay to choose sides:
. or that God's people, sold "like sheep being led to slaughter": Rom 8.36
. or that of his tormentors, who butchers want him dead

The call to witness that launches Mordecai to Esther reminds us 3 things:
. that in some situations where we should take a stand, silence and inaction are not only synonymous with failure, but of treason: 24.11 to 12
Prov. that, before God, there are only two possible camps: those who are with Him and those who are cons: Mat 12,30; 7.13 to 14; 25.32
. that the price of our allegiance and our loyalty to God can sometimes be one of our life: Luke 14.26-27; John 12.23-26.

- to enter the custom role that God had prepared for it by raising it at this position: v 14. We do not always understand immediately why God makes us go through this or that way or put us in a particular place ... until the circumstances we are clear on goal:
. be a witness for those "high places" Luke 21.12-13
. be an instrument of salvation for many people: Gen 50.20

Nothing in life is the product of chance, but contributes to the fulfillment of God's purpose for us in the world and among his people: Rom 8.28

- to identify with his people in through which it passes the test: v 16. Whatever the position we occupy in the world, comes the moment when we must make a choice:
. either be one with the people of God and take upon ourselves our share of reproach of Christ: Heb 11.24-26
. either be on the side of the world and thus continue to live as an enemy of the cross: Phil 3:18; Marc

14.10 to 11 D) Conclusion:

Whatever the project's opponents People of God, God will certify that: they will not prevail: Esther 4:14; Psalm 129.1-4. God's people of the new alliance may also pass through tribulation, anguish, or persecution. One thing is certain: no one will be able to pluck His hand and separate from His love revealed in Jesus Christ: Rom 8.35-37, Jean 10.28. Blessed be He for His covenant strength and the full sufficiency of His grace for us!

How To Make Someone Fall Asleep Easy Way

3 and 4

biblical text

conflict between Haman and Mordecai

After these things King Ahasuerus gave Haman's rise to power, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, he raised in dignity and set his seat above those of all the chiefs who were with him. All the king's servants, who stood at the door of the king, bent the knee and bowed down to Haman, for such was the king's order against him. But Mordecai arrow pointing to the knee and did not bow down. And the king's servants, who stood at the door of the king, said unto Mordecai, Why do you transgress the king's commandment? As they repeated it every day and he did not listen, they did report it to Haman, to see whether Mordecai in his resolution because he had told them he was Jewish. And when Haman saw that Mordecai did flexed knee point and did prostrate point ahead of him. It was filled with fury, but he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone, for he had told people what was Mordecai, and he wanted to destroy the people of Mordecai, the Jews who were in the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus .

Conspiracy of Haman against the Jews

the first month, which is the month of Nisan, the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that is to say the lot, before Haman for each day and each month until the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar. Then Haman said to King Ahasuerus: There are in all the provinces of thy kingdom and a people dispersed among the people, with different laws from those of all peoples and did not keep the king's laws. It is not in the interest of the king to let him rest. If the king's pleasure, we write the order to destroy them and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver into the hands of officials, so that the door into the king's treasury. The king took his ring from his hand and gave it to Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite, enemy of the Jews. And the king said to Haman: The money given to you, the people also; do with it what you like. Secretaries King was called on the thirteenth day of the first month, they wrote, according to all that was ordered by Haman, the king's satraps, the governors of each province and leaders of every nation, every province according its writing and to every people after their language. This was the name of King Ahasuerus that we wrote, and sealed with the king's ring. The letters were sent by posts into all the king's provinces, to be destroyed, to be killed and to destroy all Jews, young and old, little children and women in one day, the thirteenth the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, and to that their properties were looted. These letters contained a copy of the edict was to be published in each province and invited all people to be ready for that day. The posts went out hastily after the order of the king. The decree was published in Susa, the capital, and while the king and Haman were drinking, the city of Shushan was in consternation.

Mourning Mordecai

Mordecai, who learned everything that was going on, tore his clothes, wrapped herself in a bag and covered with ash. Then he went to the middle of the Town pushing strongly bitter cries, and went to the door of the king, whose entrance was prohibited to any person wearing a bag. In every province, whithersoever the king's commandment and his decree, there was great distress among the Jews, they fasted, wept and wailed, and many lay on sackcloth and ashes. Esther's maids and eunuchs came to tell him that, and the queen was very frightened. She sent clothes for Mordecai to cover him and make him take off his bag, but he did not accept it.

dealings between Esther and Mordecai
Then Esther called

Hathach, one of the eunuchs that the king had placed beside her, and she instructed him to go and ask what it was Mordecai and where they came from. Hathach Mordecai went to the town square, before the king's gate. And Mordecai told him everything that had happened, and told him the money that Haman had promised to deliver to the royal treasury in return for the massacre of Jews. It also gave him a copy of the edict at Shushan to destroy them, so he should show to Esther and made him know everything, and he ordered that Esther went to the king for mercy and plead for her people. Hathach came and told Esther the words of Mordecai. Esther Hathach instructed to say to Mordecai: All the king's servants and people of the king's provinces know that there is a law on the death penalty against anyone, male or female, joined the king in the courtyard, without having been called, he alone was spared, the king who seeks the golden scepter. And I have not been called to the king for thirty days. When Esther's words had been reported to Mordecai, Mordecai sent word to Esther: Do not imagine that you will escape only of all Jews, because you're in the king's house, because if you shut up now, relief and deliverance will arise for other Jews, and thou and thy father's house will perish. And who knows if not for a time like this that thou art come to the kingdom?

Decision Esther

Esther sent word to Mordecai: "Go, gather all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me, without food or drink for three days, night or day. I also will fast even with my maid, then I will come in the king, despite the law, and if I perish, I perish. Mordecai went away and did all that Esther had commanded him.