Saturday, May 29, 2010

Has Anyone Built Home With Wrap Around Porch

In the privacy of transsexual Philippine

is the story of a country apparently so tolerant of gays and transsexuals, eccentrics and shameless, walking in broad daylight in the streets of Manila, and that print the retina from abroad who cross. But it is the story of a contradiction is born in the heart as always the history of this archipelago, between its origins conflitcuelles: a pagan culture and polithéiste open to different human forms, which enshrined transsexuals as demi-gods, and must arrange with the Catholic faith came from so far . And that is so far removed from that tolerance.

And now, this puts the Filipino transsexuals in an uncomfortable position: admitted to the comedy bars and beauty salons in the TV shows to make people laugh the most, however, they are prohibited from any official recognition. Sex change, medical support, or worse, legal protection against rape, for example. All this is denied them because they do not conform to traditional Christian image of man or woman.

I invite you to read this survey of the different facets of the lives of Filipino transsexuals, which we published in Paris Match with photographer Romain Riviere .

As an aside, I highly recommend this speech to the UN by one of the people I interviewed, Sass Rogando. A poignant speech .

Friday, May 28, 2010

Laguiole Et Opinel Difference

Metastaz, part2

As previously announced, Metastaz preparing to screen print a poster for Watain, printed with human blood, mine in this case, that of a contributor and full of ink. In joy. As Previously Announced
, Willie Soon Metastaz a handprint poster for Watain, printed in human blood. Mine, and a Generous contributor.

The first tests with pigs blood ...

First Test With pig's blood ...

Meanwhile, in Paris

Meanwhile, in Paris (photos by Andy Julia)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cheap Gowns For Rent In Manila

Metastaz Norwegian National Opera vs. vs. vs. Ulver

Monday, May 10, 2010

Best Shutter Speed For A Point And Shoot


Philippine elections have shown once for the best Filipino side, and proved it was still, despite everything, in a democracy. Despite the numerous vote-buying that took place yesterday, despite intimidation and armed blocking the upward mobility achieved by the country's elites. Despite all this, Filipinos have been heard yesterday. What had not been the case for long.

In 2004 he took over a month to proclaim the President, who was found to have cheated massively. This year, we had the most results within 24 h after the start of voting. And according to an electronic process has been transparent to make the islands a huge leap forward in the 21st century. A leap forward, clearly, toward a more transparent democracy. And it is a relief to finally feel proud of Philippine political system that too often shows its more diabolical.

And it's a heart that President was elected by the Filipinos, more than one reason President. A man who bears the name of the revolution of 1986 against Marcos, which displays a childlike face and devoid of any malice, a child again, who has just left his mother.

But this child can become President? His personality erased and his lack of accomplishments as MP and senator spoke against him. He has six years to show he can get out of the cocoon and become Noynoy before Aquino.

I invite you to follow a story campaign on Swiss Radio, and read this article in TIME

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Toddler Is Thirsty All The Time


IS THE DAY OF THE DEMOCRATIC REVOLUTION, the day or never, in any case to do it. For today, we made a clean sweep. This May 10, we change all these elected officials that continues to criticize: mayors, governors, deputies, senators, vice president and president.

But change to where? 'Less corruption, "" The End of Poverty, "promises are beautiful. But apart from the fact that candidates do not bother much to explain how they will change everything in a presidential term of 6 years, their origins leave doubt their sincerity. And the first of, Noynoy Aquino, leading in the polls, is the prime suspect in this fool's game: from a family of aristocrats and landowners, MP and senator absent for 12 years, we doubt its ability to radically break his family ties and clan. But is presented as the least bad choice among Eight major candidates for president of the Philippines.
The change, cons, is very real in the voting system for the first time, votes will be counted and transmitted electronically, and this time we can really think that this will avoid most of the manipulation of results, common practice in the Philippines. An advanced, if the candidates are afraid to lose do not play to burn all machines as has already begun.

is the day when it changes everything. For better or for worse. So to follow and understand the issues, I invite you to enter the dance of revolutions before the election. And join an event that brings together Catholic priests, and leftist activists.