Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Triple Pelvic Osteotomy Recovery

Waste to Energy

It is a sad memory dump that became a source of hope. In the north of Manila, the Payatas dump, the second largest of this megalopolis of 15 million inhabitants - has buried 200 people when u No accident 10 years ago - began to produce electricity for several months. Not enough to turn a cement factory, but still, what light the streets of the neighborhood, and provide free electricity to women this poor area for ironing. This is a first step. It is indeed, a first step. Because we expect much better. ( First and second photo photo : we can see the large tube, if so disconnected to the network and the plant out of the waste mountain )

The system seems simple enough as: a dump, in addition to feeling bad, produces within it a gas, methane, which is born of rotting garbage. This gas is highly toxic and flammable. And that, finally, a greenhouse gas 11 times more harmful to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.

So what happens in Payatas is a company, Pangea , dug a huge hole 30 meters inside the mountains of waste, to capture this methane before that it escapes, and burn it to transform it into electricity. And voila!

Except that this investment was actually made possible by something that seemed far devilishly theoretical and incomprehensible: the Kyoto Protocol, and its famous carbon credits.

These carbon credits, in this case were the essential condition for the engineering company Pangea up this project.

To follow this story and how it transforms into a murderous discharge energy source, follow me in this documentary aired on RFI.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cats Ear Bloody With Puss

These 43 people disenfranchised

is a number which made the headlines recently Filipino: 43
A number. The number of people arrested on February 6 by a joint raid by police and army, in a house in the countryside north of Manila.
What was happening in this house? According to these 43 people, a medical mission and a first aid training in this remote region. Many were indeed doctors, other nurses.
For the army, the story is totally different. These 43 people are members of the communist rebels of the New People's Army (NPA), and conducted training in making explosives.

Origin differs. But the result seems to agree the players, or almost. As a result of this arrest, the army has acknowledged having handcuffed and blindfolded these defendants continually. For 3 days.
Then they denied the right to see lawyers. For 5 days.

Some of the defendants then claimed that they had been tortured, sometimes to electricity, for they speak. The Commission on Human Rights came several times, and shared his outrage at this blatant violation of human rights, for reasons to fight against the communist insurgency of the New People's Army.

This fight against communist rebels is indeed the credo that seems to justify serious violations of human rights, and hundreds of alleged executions by the army since the arrival of Gloria Arroyo to power. And this example shows how the military is accustomed and comfortable to act outside the Constitution and the law.

Follow me around and inside the barracks, where detainees are still those 43 suspected rebels who receive this injustice exception.

Legend Leila Lima, Director of the Committee on Human Rights met General Segovia, commander of the 2nd Infantry Division which holds the 43 accused.