A) General:
1) dating and instead of writing the book:
The story reported by the book of Esther takes place at the time Jews:
- first exiles in Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar to the year 605 BC: 2 Kings 24.11-17
- then some of them, through the successive wars that made the great empires and defeated, deported to the time of Cyrus in Persia
find themselves under the domination of Ahasuerus ( or Xerxes), the great Persian king who ruled from the year 486 to year 464 BC.
While many Jews had already returned to Jerusalem to help rebuild the temple and repopulate the country: from 2.64 to 65 cf Ezra, Esther and Mordecai, her uncle and guardian, whose ancestors had been deported to the time Jeconiah of (or Jehoiachin): Esther 2.5 to 7, 2 Kings 24.12, were among those who remained in Persia and its capital, Susa. The book of Esther tells is how in a time of national reconstruction, God works in both the nation and outside it, to promote the fulfillment of His plan of restoration and His purposes for Esperanca him: Jer 29.10 and 11.
Historically, interest in studying the book of Esther is beyond the scope of the facts relating thereto. It emphasizes the action of the sovereignty and providence of God who keeps His people in all periods of his history, and particularly those who are most troubled. It is a type of what happens every time Israel seeks to regain its sovereignty and among all nations (some parallels to the facts that occurred in our time in 1947). God is and remains one who has the last word of history: this is the great lesson and the rationale for the introduction of this book in the biblical canon.
2) Particulars of the book:
- It is with that of Ruth, one book of the Bible that bears a woman's name. It was correctly noted in this connection the report very particular that binds these two books. While Ruth, a Gentile who married a Jew, is the ancestor of the deliverer of Israel, Ruth 1.4, 4.17 to 22, Esther, as a Jew, was forced to marry a pagan to save His people and thus allow the liberator of all, Jews and Gentiles, may come into the world. The book reveals something of God's inscrutable way to destroy the natural enmity between Jews and pagans, and unite in one body by the blood: cf Eph 2.13 to 14.
- It is the only book of the Bible where God's name does not appear literally forever. This, understandably, provoked the Jews long moments of hesitation to admit it in the biblical canon. The absence of the name of God can be understood, however. It is consistent with what God Himself had spoken by the law: Deut 31.18 and the prophets: Isaiah 45.15, 57.17, 64.6, 3.43 Lam about the disobedience of His people: cf Ezekiel 39.28-29. However, in the words of Matthew Henry, famous Biblical commentator, "if God's name does not appear here His finger is manifested."
B) Map of the book:
's history book revolves around three parties:
- the feast given by King Ahasuerus, Esther 1
- the party given by Esther: Esther 5-7
- the feast of Purim, or deliverance: Esther 9 and 10
To facilitate our study, we will follow however the following plan:
- 1st study: the rejection of Vashti Esther
1 - 2nd study: the coronation of Esther: Esther
2 - 3rd study: the plot of Haman, Esther
3 and 4 - 4th study: the risky venture of Esther Esther
5 - 5th study: the elevation of Mordecai, Esther
6 - 6th study: the feast of Esther: Esther 7
- 7th study: the big change: Esther
8 - 8th Study: deliverance of the Jews: Esther
8 - 8th Study: deliverance of the Jews: Esther
9 - 9th Study: epilogue
- 10th study: summary of the book
The key verse Book: Esther 4.14: And who knows if not for an occasion like this that thou art come to the kingdom?
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