Monday, August 11, 2008

Strawberry Gardening Tools Cute

Study of Esther 8 Esther

The big change:

this chapter we are surprised by the rapidity of changes taking place, following the royal decree of execution of Haman, the day of his death: v 1. For us believers of the new covenant, this day evokes another day: one in which, on the cross, Jesus gave up the ghost, performing to perfection the work for which the Father had sent him: John 19.30, Luke 12.50. That day also already signs of big change was going to introduce to the world and for men the victory of Christ over death, sin and the enemy showed themselves to go to the end and then still greater increase: Matt 27.51-52. The story of Chapter 8 and reported 3 consecutive major changes to the victory of Esther about Haman

first change: a change of position:

For Mordecai, the king revealed as both the uncle of Esther, but at the same time as the real instigator of the issue of Jews and turnaround: v 1 and 2. With a single anonymous man in the kingdom of Ahasuerus, Mordecai is suddenly elevated to the status of favorite and first minister of the king. A striking resemblance to that experienced in their time Joseph, son of Jacob in Egypt: Gen 41.37-43 and Jesus Christ at His resurrection: Phil from 2.5 to 11.

Mordecai, however, was far from being unknown to Ahasuerus. His name and his works have fallen into the dungeon, he was reminded by God that night that preceded the second meal of Esther: 6.2 to 3. This memory left by the testimony of Mordecai when he was a servant among others helping, Ahasuerus had no trouble immediately grant him his confidence.

For many of our contemporaries as the name of Jesus fell into the dustbin of history. As for the king Ahasuerus, long the Gospels, the book of memoirs of His Life, His Works and His deeds are no longer open. While the contemporary Jesus knew what He had does: Acts 10.39, our contemporaries do not know anything. Our duty is of course to remind them and teach them about it for this witness to be announced and proclaimed to the end: Matt 24.14. For many, however, the enthronement of Christ and His establishment in this world as King of kings and Lord of lords to the Father's right hand will be a total surprise: Psalm 2.7 to 9. Yet they would have to prepare for the resurrection of Christ is unique in the annals of history, saying the only fit for this position before God: Rom 1:3-4; Rev. 5.1 to 5.

A second reality expressed by the replacement of Haman by Mordecai at the helm of affairs of the kingdom of Ahasuerus is that if the Devil is now the prince of this world: 1 John 5.19; Eph 2.2; John 14 , 30, Luke 4.5 to 7, it will not always be so. No! darkness does not always prevail, but the light, justice and freedom will shine when the Son of David will be there: Isaiah 8.23 to 9.6.

A change of situation for the Jews, God's people:

A change due to the fervent intercession with Ahasuerus of Esther in their favor. Note here the example it represents to us by the personal involvement and struggle she had to fight to achieve his ends: v 3. Esther's personal salvation is not enough. What she wants is to be included all his people, that not one dies or is lost because of the evil Haman.

noted here that the courage of Esther, for the second time, gives his life to the king, weeping and intercession for his people and, finally, finding once again through his eyes: v 3 and 4. Grace is the principle upon which the king began accepting Esther cf 5.2 to 3, it hesitates not dare to take this opportunity to ask the unthinkable: that the king who is the signer of the decree condemning her and her people is now the one who directs the hello and postage.

Dare we too close to God based on grace from Him to demand the implementation of all His promises and all the decrees of His Mercy: Heb 4.16. If Esther was able to find favor with a Ahasuerus, how much more God has become our Father and our Friend in Jesus Christ, we will He be favorable Luke 18.1-8. Also believe in the effectiveness of our intercession, if it can not save the world, may at least save the righteous in it: Gen 18.17-33; 19.22. Is not that offend God Himself as He does not dare to send our requests while he himself and invites us to be so cautious in our expectations, so he is willing to give us so much: Isaiah 7 0.10-13, 2 Kings 13.14-19.

If Haman is dead, the effects of his works and the evil which he was the author against God's people survive after him. It was so wicked as the righteous. Their example, the traces they have left in life or in history continue to bear fruit, whether good or evil, long after them: Rev 14.13; Jac 5.11. Similarly, although defeated and vanquished, the effects of the domination of the enemy of humanity are still clearly felt.
What can we expect to be removed and distributed:
- on current and fervent intercession of Christ to the Father: Rom 8.34; Zach from 3.1 to 5, 1 John 2.1 - 2. He is the One who is engaged to the Father for us not to lose any of those entrusted to him, but to resurrect the last day: John 6.39, Luke 22.31
- but also partly, and probably with less power, that of the Church and saints: Ephesians 6.18; Job 33.19-30. How do we fight for the deliverance and salvation of souls that the opponent is still shackled by the effects of his malice and his lies? The prayer (fervent, energetic) of the righteous is powerful and effective: Jac 5.16

A change due to the king's decision at the request of passionate Esther v 7 and 8

Unlike the request of Esther, the king can not purely and simply cancel the decree signed by him in which he gave Haman the right to exterminate the Jews. If he, the king is the first to transgress the laws of his realm, what will it take for his subjects (how much would such a sense of responsibility resides in the consciousness of our leaders.) Ahasuerus has therefore only one possibility: giving carte blanche to Esther and Mordecai to act and ensure themselves the security of their countrymen.

Many people are surprised today that God does not seem to do anything to stop the evil. It would be so easy for him, for example, to destroy Satan and instantly transform the world into a paradise. The answer to this apparent passivity of God is here. Whoever created spiritual beings and humans in His image, that is to say have a free will and freedom of choice, not when they do not use it as He wished, turn against them and destroy them.

Such a reaction would lead to God two things:
- to act against what he himself has started and decided:
to sin - to show his inability to control and regulate his work in such a way be good and not evil triumphs.

is through the cross and that God alone has solved this dilemma. For her, the apostle says, He shows His justice in order to be recognized immediately, while justifying one who has faith in Jesus: Rom 3.24. Nothing can be blamed God. It remains faithful to the commitments made at creation, but at the same time makes possible the liberation of those who long for their liberation from the yoke of Satan: Rom 11.33-36.

A change of perspective and future:

Mordecai established as a favorite of the king in place of Haman, two contradictory decrees concerning the Jews are now underway throughout the kingdom - the first order, inspired by Haman, the book about death and to sentence without possibility of recourse or defense .- The second, edited by Mordecai and Esther, they allowed to defend themselves for their salvation and safety: v 11 and 12.

Similarly, two conflicting decrees, drawn and signed by the hand of God even exist and coexist in today's world for humanity: 6.23 Rom:
- the wages of sin is
death - the gift of God, that's life eternal in Jesus Christ our Lord

Like those of Ahasuerus, the two decrees, since both signed by the hand of God, will be until the end of time irrevocable Gen 3.24; Ezech 18.20; Rom 1.4, 4.25; Heb 6.17 to 20. The good news is announced, joy followed the sadness and desolation: Esther 8.16, 3.15. What

as servants of God and messengers of the Gospel, we are now following the example of these letters sent by the king on his fastest horses: 8.14, for our contemporary zealous emissaries of this good news, because of so much joy, the coming of a Saviour: Luke 2.9-11; Rom 10.14-15.


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