Time Truth:
Gathered together to feast, the hour of truth for each participant in this royal repast:
For Haman
It seems the previous chapter already no longer be also anxious before going to lunch: 6.14. Crowd that he is on the wrong slope and that his fall has begun with the humiliation he has suffered with the public honor of his visit Mordecai against itself will go intensifying ? What is certain in any case is that in his mind the last words heard before leaving should resonate throughout the path that leads to the palace. Complacency has given way to doubt and fear to pride.
This is from God the first trial that awaits the wicked: the sudden and unpredictable collapse of insurance in which they lived until now: Ps 73.18 to 20. Many misfortunes, "said the Psalmist, often reach the fair, but of all the LORD delivers him. The unfortunate fact cons die by the wicked and led to the conviction, Ps 34.20 to 23. The project
murderer he is the author, with all the negative consequences that results for the two other royal guests the meal he shared, is highlighted: v 4. Having so far been in a position of strength, Haman finds himself alone, left to himself and caught in the cracks of his pride and his own wickedness. Sooner or later, says the Scripture, our sin we finally find: Num 32.23. The sinner is thus the first hapless victim of sin, the first who suffered the fate and suffering: Rom 6.23; Ezekiel 28.18.
Wanting to save his life, it takes so Haman so clumsy that it further increases the degree of culpability and the heinous nature of his behavior: v 8. The law provided for Persian indeed a terrible punishment for anyone who dared to touch or even approach the queen. The Bible tells us explicitly that there exists for every sinner a step beyond which any tear, any remorse, any repentance becomes useless Heb 12.16-17; 4.1 to 2, from 6.4 to 6; Gen 7.16; Matt 25.10-11. For us believers, do not deprive us of grace, but as often as necessary, come to Him to confess our sins and receive His mercy and grace part 1 John 1.9 to 2.1; Heb 4.15 to 16 .
On the evidence of Harborne, a eunuchs of the king who, no doubt, had no sympathy for Haman and disapproved of his plan to condemn and hang Mordecai, the king himself pronounced the sentence that should be applied to him under the circumstances: the death penalty . The wicked, as it is in the fullness of his strength has often many hidden enemies. But just as the wind turns and those who hate it are quick to raise their voices to speak out against him. So Haman perished the same day by the instrument of death he himself had prepared against Mordecai, the righteous. This is the reality behind the cross, under the guise of defeat, makes manifest the reality of victory for Christ under the appearance of victory, sign the defeat of the adversary: Gen 3:15; Col 2.15.
The story of Haman and his tragic end has been repeated so strange in 1953. On the morning of 1 March this year, Molotov, then Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Soviets, received the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps. The latter drew his attention to possible adverse international consequences of the continuing persecution of the Jews. Molotov soon realized that interview members of the Cabinet. At noon on the Kremlin, Stalin opened the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. Members present, he unveiled his plan to extend the "Final Solution of the Jewish problem." The "enemies of the people" (Jewish doctors accused), should be hanged on Red Square on March 9. Stalin explained as follows the prosecution of his intentions:
"Such a punishment is not able to satisfy the thirst for justice of every Soviet citizen. The anger of the masses will turn against the Jews in the country. Over the first three days of its execution, it will be impossible to prevent the people of liquidating Jews, the enemies of our state. On the 4th day, the Jews considered and influential countries will address the Soviet government. They acknowledge in their letter, the terrible responsibility that Jews were responsible. The authors of this letter begging our government to protect the Jews from total destruction. We naturally respond positively to this request. We will do this by deporting all Jews in special camps of the Far North and Siberia, the complete isolation of the Soviet people. But only a third of the deportees reach these special places. The righteous anger of the people to slay the other passages of the many resorts. "
The end of this speech, instead to be applauded, was followed by a deathly silence reigned in the Council. Ministers avoided the gaze of Stalin. The "great leader of the Soviet people" did not expect such a reaction. He got up painfully, swore, and left the room. After the cabinet meeting, Stalin went to his villa in Kunzovo, a suburb of Moscow. Warned by the bodyguards that the dictator had not left her room for two days, the politburo members went to the villa. It was finally decided to force the iron gates leading to the apartments by Stalin's soldiers. On entering his bedroom, these powerful men in the Kremlin were aghast: Stalin lay dying on the ground. Nobody hastened to save her. The doctors were not called until it was too late. On 5 March, the news of Stalin's death was broadcast. March 9, the day the Jewish doctors should have been hanged, the tyrant was buried.
Extracts from the diary of the writer and journalist Ilya Ehrenburg Russian.
For Esther
For her also the moment of truth, when she must finally reveal his true identity to the king is coming. To do so, it presents the facts which make it suffer and is concerned so that they appear to the king as a direct attack on its interests:
- it ranks first in the application of grace and hello it is addressing the king. Aware of the price and the value it has for him (the offer by three times repeated the King to grant up to half his kingdom if she wants it is still not clear evidence) Esther and mixes his personal interests with those of his people. There is no difference in spirit between him and her, between her fate and the threat that as it weighs on him. As he once said Mordecai before, if the people perish, it will perish with him: 4.13; if, cons, and that God saved him from cowardice, did not do his defense, he will live, but it will perish: 4.14.
The attitude of Esther reminds us that the fate of every believer in the world is linked to that of the whole people of God. Zero if it belongs to the people of God, can say that what happened to his brothers, here or there, do not concern him. We are one and are part of the body: 1 Cor 12.12. What about us in the local church? We suffer with those who suffer and we are pleased with those who are honored: 1 Cor 12.26. God gives us in Christ to have the same feelings towards one another: Rom 12.16.
- she especially emphasizes in its request that the threat to her and her people is a harm that is detrimental not only to itself and it belongs to Jews, but also and especially the king yourself: v 4b.
What grace to know as children of God that whatever happens to us, which we reached reached him too. We support him as the apple of His eye: Deut 32.10, Ps 17.8; Zach 2.8. It So when we go through the distress, He goes with us: Ps 91.15. It can not, like King Ahasuerus, or marble, or indifferent to what happens to us.
- she finally identifies with the perpetrator of Ahasuerus, who is the source of all their woes: Haman, the king's favorite: V 6.
Remember also to us that our enemy is not just anyone. It is one he says he was in the order of created beings, being one of the most privileged and most intimate of God: Ezekiel 28.12-15. No doubt the news of the conspiracy and the conspiracy Satan scheming against God, his Creator and Author of all graces which had been trimmed, will not cause him at the same shock and even outrage. So for him, as Haman, more grace is possible. Who sin against the Holy Spirit, he is left with one thing: the terrifying expectation of cases and the heat of the fire ready to devour the rebellious Hebrews 10.26-27. May God preserve us from such a fate and such madness!
For Ahasuerus:
surprised by the revelation that comes from him to Esther about Haman, Ahasuerus a dual reaction:
- Furious, he hastily left the banquet to go to the palace garden. The causes of this sudden departure may be many:
. King needs to be alone to bear the emotional blow of this revelation and an update on this matter. Could he have been so careless about the affairs of his kingdom so that he was blind to the identities of two people who were closest to him:
Esther, his queen, whom he knew yet neither nationality nor cause
Haman, his favorite, whom he has such confidence and which he feels betrayed.
The fury of the king does not bode well for Haman Prov 16.4; 20.2. In that brief moment of absence, the king's heart has struggled to make a decision. Who did he look? His return to the palace when Haman, losing all dignity collapses on the couch where the queen was lying will definitely endorse his verdict and da decision. Haman exits the presence of the king's face veil (the veil depriving them of light was like the darkness of death What were receiving the prisoner: see Matt 27.45) flanked by guards that lead directly to the scaffold he had prepared for Mordecai. The wicked shall fall into the pit he has made and used as ransom for the righteous: Ps 7.16 to 17; Prov 11.8; 21.18.
God's people can rejoice with the psalmist and say: Yes, there is a reward for the righteous, yes, there is a God who exercises the judge the earth: Ps 58.11 to 12
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