Monday, August 11, 2008

Kitchn Pro Breadmaker Parts Manual

Book summary

A) Introduction:

God's action in the book of Esther, as we have seen, is like a veil. The story takes place in a dark period in Israel's history, during which God, the sin of His people, lies to him: Isaiah 45.15; Jer 33.5. We do not seek in these pages accurate prophecies or types of Christ in a dazzling light. But if we look with faith on this story, we do not fail to discover more by contrast than by analogy, the contours more or less clear of prophetic events to come.

B) Key lessons from the book of Esther:

1) salvation by grace:

Obtaining Grace:

Ahasuerus, as king, is the representative of supreme power and absolute. In this perspective, we can compare, contrast, Esther's approach to him at the approach of man towards God

- Esther enters the presence of a sovereign cruel and arrogant.
- It was not called but went with him through his own initiative
- The law was against her
- She has no one to introduce
-The king's favorite is his worst enemy

- We are approaching a God of love and grace: Heb 4.15 -16
- God's call rang constantly: Come to me! : Mat 11.28; Isaiah 55.1
- The promises are there for us: John 6.37; Jer
29.13 - We have the Holy Spirit: Eph 2.18
- In Jesus Christ we have a lawyer who pleads our cause before the Father: 1 John 2.1

If a wicked king can take a positive view of one of his subjects and to pardon him, how much is it for our God and Father: Luke 18.1-8

2) the instrument of grace: the cross

The gallows for Mordecai and used for the loss of Haman becomes the instrument of salvation Jews and soothe the anger of the king, Esther 7.9 to 10. Have we not here the announcement of the veiled cross, the Savior of the world is indeed dead, but when Satan received its coup de grace? And is not the cross that God's wrath was appeased forever to the sinner: Rom 5.9.

3) the messengers of grace

The defeat of Haman did not remove the danger of death to the Jews. It was still cancel the effects of his wickedness: Esther 8.3. Similarly, the cross Satan was defeated, but the adverse consequences of its actions continue to be felt worldwide. So the sinner saved by grace should he become a soul winner. Esther is an exemplary model. After being rescued, she never ceases to act and to intercede for the favor she has been the subject is given to all his people: Esther from 8.3 to 6. She knows that her home royalty has no other purpose than hello: Esther 4.14. Realize we still aim for what we have been saved and associated with Jesus Christ in His kingdom: 2 Cor 5.14 to 15.

The good news of the deliverance of the Jews is written by Esther and Mordecai in the king's name: Esth 8.8 to 9, then translated into all languages of the 127 provinces of the kingdom. The good news of the kingdom shall be preached in the world for a witness unto all nations: then shall the end: Matt 24.14.

4) the effects of grace

For those who are the object, gladness: 8.16, rest: 9.16 and entry into a continual feast: 9.17; PC Luke 15.20-24. For others, it is fear, a fear that becomes beneficial however when drives them to enter into the covenant of grace: 8.17.

C) Christ the Liberator:

The true liberator of the Jews in the book of Esther is Mordecai. The different stages of his life retrace the route of another deliverer greater than himself: Jesus Christ:

Humiliated and depressed:

phase of the life of Mordecai during which he accomplishes his task humble porter of the King: 2.19, 4.2, 6.12 is like a sketch of the earthly life of Jesus, servant of the Lord hidden in the humble carpenter's mantle: Mark 6 3. Mordecai's loyalty to established authority: 2.19 to 23 is a reflection of Christ's obedience to the Father in all stages of his life: Luke 2.40-52.

Aimed at the gallows:

Several heroes of the Old Testament, by the events of their lives, announced the sacrifice of the Son of God: Isaac, Jonas ... Mordecai, sentenced to death and providentially spared, is a well. None of them however far he has gone is gone, till death: Phil 2.8. At this price it was our eternal salvation before God.

Issued and glorified:

As Mordecai was delivered from the gallows, Christ was delivered from the bonds of death. Only after the appeasement of divine wrath on the cross: 7.10 that the Savior was filled to honor God by: 8.1 to 2. After the fall of Haman and the rise Mordecai, Esther, unashamedly, reveals what are the links that unite than that which the king honors: 8.1. The glorification of Christ Ascension sounded the hour of testimony, the time when His people must know all the spiritual kinship that binds them to Him: Luke 12.8-9.

In possession of full powers:

When the royal messengers have completed their task: Mat 24.14, out of Christ the King dressed in official royal authority: 8.15; Luke 19,12.15 . It will be a day of joy for the new Israel of God, which will finally recognized the divine authority of his Messiah. His appearance will guarantee the final triumph, marked by the glory of His people: 8.16-17a. The manifestation of His power: 9.4 plunge nations in fear of the Jews and they will be made invincible: Deut 11.25. Then it will pull revenge of his enemies and give His people rest and joy: Ps 58.11, Ps 149.6-9; Isaiah 35.4, 59.17 to 18. The tribute paid to Ahasuerus: 10.1 is a small tribute to the prophecy that one day will make the whole world to the Sovereign of heaven and earth: Ps 22.28 to 29. Meanwhile, He intercedes with the Father for us and pleads for the happiness of His people: 10.3 ; Rom 8.34.

D) The book of Esther, a novel of Providence:

Though God is hidden from His people, He does not fail to manifest anyway His omnipotence by His providence. Providence that manifests itself here:

In seemingly insignificant details:

- refusal of a queen: 1.12
- the beauty of a captive: ch 2
- oblivion of a monarch: 2.19 to 23
- chance of fate
3,7.12 - the whim of a capricious monarch: 5.2
- the reluctance of a woman: 5.6 to 8
- a sleepless night: 6.1
- the choice of reading: 6.1 to 2
- the whim of a memory: 6.3
- the zeal of a criminal: 6.4
etc. ...

In every circumstance, without exception

Nothing happens outside the sphere of Providence. The actors of the stage, whatever their race, sex, social status, moral worth of their character, their personal reactions, and multiple life events private or national means any moves in the atmosphere of the Providence: Lam from 3.37 to 38. Rom 8.28.

Without any infringement be brought to human freedom:

Apparently men seem to be free of their decision and their destiny. But God is there and He even compete rebellion of men to His glory and His release plan: Rom 9.14-23.

Yes, the Lord is a God who knows everything and everything He wants to be both in heaven and on earth: Ps 135.6.


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