is the story of these women Thorn. The prohibition of an act which merely amplify, and lethal when it seeks to prevent.
The Philippines is one of only four countries in the world to ban abortion without exception that the pregnancy is the result of rape, incest or the mother's life is in danger The woman who wears this fetus has no recourse to stop this pregnancy. Worse, it is liable to several years in prison if she does
But Puritanism
has moral and legal fact, for decades, amplifies this phenomenon: several s 500 000 illegal abortions would and held annually, two times more than legal in France and made in the shade of unsanitary buildings, using non-sterile instruments to the source of deadly infections, or taking abortifacient drugs that cause strong uncontrollable bleeding.
Under such conditions, it is not only the life of the fetus is at risk, but the mother. Over 1000 women die each year due to complications of clandestine abortions.
International Report comes first draw a picture on psychological and health consequences of the "criminalization" of abortion. This comprehensive report, exciting and alarming, is the result of a two-year investigation conducted by the American NGO The Center for Reproductive Rights . He relied on the testimony of many women who have made themselves their abortion, doctors, obstetricians Filipino, and politicians. It
seeks to show the severe limitations of the Philippine health system that lacks help these desperate women: there is no first morning after pill in cases of rape or contraceptive accident, because it is considered an abortion pill by the clergy and some members. Drugs deemed essential by the profession, such as misoprostol, to remove a fetus from the womb of the deceased mother, is also prohibited, and inaccessible to most gynecologists.
least, some doctors condemn morally
these women resort to abortions, and arrive in blood in their emergency services. Some of the insult, stigmatize, and neglect their care. Even threaten to report them to police. A violation of the basic right of women to health, as said Melissa Upreti, Head of Asia for the NGO Center for Reproductive Rights.
" Despite constitutional guarantees of religious freedom and separation of church and state, the Catholic hierarchy has undermined women's reproductive rights, including the right to abortion.
The criminalization of abortion has led the Philippine government in a situation of violation of international laws, putting women's health in danger, and calls into question the right of women to health, life and non-discrimination . "The clergy
, actor extremely influential politically and morally on the issues, meanwhile, denies any development of the law:
" Abortion can not be defended, because life begins at conception, or at the moment of encounter between the sperm and ovum, and therefore we must protect this life, "said Father Melvin Castro, general secretary of the Committee on Family and life in the Conference Episcopal.
Such intransigence which also applies to cases of rape, for the priest: " We can not respond to the crime of rape while committing another crime, that of killing the fetus. Instead, we always advise the woman if she can keep the child, to pass it "
The Philippines is one of only four countries in the world to ban abortion without exception that the pregnancy is the result of rape, incest or the mother's life is in danger The woman who wears this fetus has no recourse to stop this pregnancy. Worse, it is liable to several years in prison if she does
But Puritanism

Under such conditions, it is not only the life of the fetus is at risk, but the mother. Over 1000 women die each year due to complications of clandestine abortions.
International Report comes first draw a picture on psychological and health consequences of the "criminalization" of abortion. This comprehensive report, exciting and alarming, is the result of a two-year investigation conducted by the American NGO The Center for Reproductive Rights . He relied on the testimony of many women who have made themselves their abortion, doctors, obstetricians Filipino, and politicians. It
seeks to show the severe limitations of the Philippine health system that lacks help these desperate women: there is no first morning after pill in cases of rape or contraceptive accident, because it is considered an abortion pill by the clergy and some members. Drugs deemed essential by the profession, such as misoprostol, to remove a fetus from the womb of the deceased mother, is also prohibited, and inaccessible to most gynecologists.
least, some doctors condemn morally

" Despite constitutional guarantees of religious freedom and separation of church and state, the Catholic hierarchy has undermined women's reproductive rights, including the right to abortion.
The criminalization of abortion has led the Philippine government in a situation of violation of international laws, putting women's health in danger, and calls into question the right of women to health, life and non-discrimination . "The clergy
, actor extremely influential politically and morally on the issues, meanwhile, denies any development of the law:
" Abortion can not be defended, because life begins at conception, or at the moment of encounter between the sperm and ovum, and therefore we must protect this life, "said Father Melvin Castro, general secretary of the Committee on Family and life in the Conference Episcopal.
Such intransigence which also applies to cases of rape, for the priest: " We can not respond to the crime of rape while committing another crime, that of killing the fetus. Instead, we always advise the woman if she can keep the child, to pass it "
To better understand this societal debate, and hear these women who have hidden had to resort to unsafe abortions, risking their lives, I invites you to listen the documentary I made for RFI .
You can also read my article published in TIME .
You can also read my article published in TIME .

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