In 1917 as parasailing appears for the first time to the world. Contrary to what one might imagine, these are the German submarines that will experience this form of parachute in tow, for observation, a parachute Henecke used as a platform for observation. While at the same time the French navy uses, meanwhile, a train of kites, this use of parachutes remain unanswered.
It was not until the fifties for the first parasailing jour.En sees the effect, if in 1950 all skydivers use, Worldwide, hemispherical parachutes wing is to 1955 that the first changes are made to the wings including the introduction of slots to increase the maneuverability of the parachute and thrusters on the parachutes.
The various studies will be born the first parasailing which the designer is none other than Pierre-Marcel LEMOIGNE , French aeronautical engineer and former test pilot. French aviation pioneer, his invention is the first parasailing hemispherical nozzle whose performance Aerodynamic will also revolutionize skydiving.
Made by the French company SEDPA. Bergerac, the "Lemoigne 679 A" ancestor parasailing, is presented for the first time ever, the field of La Ferte Allais July 25, 1960, by the parachutist test Michel Tournier which, pulled by a cable fixed at one end to his harness and the other to a vehicle traveling at 30 mph, took off, rising to a height of 40m and, after breaking free of the cable, normally sits like a parachute conventional time.

The approval tests had the parachute, place thereafter, in August 1960 , Centre d'Essais en Vol Brétigny and was presented officially in November the same year, the Sports Minister of the time, Mr. Maurice HERZOG.Depuis, this concept of parachute known as "generation Lemoigne" was echoed by all manufacturers parasails water and jump ( Para-Commander, Olympic Super-Olympic, Papillon .... ) worldwide and remains more than ever, Today, the reference in the field of boating and parasailing.
- 1960: - July 25, the first flight of a skydiver (Michel Tournier) and ascending the first flight performed with a hemispherical canopy LEMOIGNE 679 A .
- 1961: - Implementation of the ascending activity within the various centers skydiving (Staffing wing LEMOIGNE by the Department of Training Aircraft), to develop this new discipline.
- 1970: - The local authorities in the region worried about the development of NICE wild practice parasailing Boat (PAN) in the Bay of Angels, are asking the Department of Aeronautical Training (SFA) develop specific regulations. Unfortunately, because of numerous difficulties encountered in handling the case, between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Transport, this regulation will not see the day.
- 1972: - The skydiving passes the SFA to the Ministry of Youth and Sports.La French Federation of Parachuting (FFP) becomes skydiving federation delegate in France. In fact, the FFP, inheriting the legal vacuum on the regulation of PAN rule, at first locally (Nice) the problem by issuing certificates empowering sunbathers operates the business in Nice recognized competence.
-1977: - Eight organizations affiliated with the FFP practicing parasailing terrestrial and marine (AFL - Angoulême-Caen - Riviera Centre-Dunkirk-Epernay - GIPS - Para-Club 94) and two forms of practice differentiate clearly
- The land parasailing where the practitioner can fly passive and active (possible release of the rope) using different wings (hemispheric Wings jumping and paragliding) is being towed by a vehicle ("mobile station") or from a winch or reel ("fixed positions and semi-mobile")
- 1979: - Mission Federal (PFF) in England to assess the methodology for use in Wings parasailing.
- 1980: - The PFF is organizing three workshops to coordinate the different ways to use wings in land parasailing.
- 1981: - At the request of the President of the FFP and its Steering Committee, the Ministry of Youth and Sports recognizes the French Federation of Parachuting as the sole representative body of parasailing in France (Ref No. 21764 -S/DAS/S3 of 10/15/1981).
- 1982: - Adoption by the steering committee of the first issue of FFP regulating land parasailing (Initiator - Tractor Driver) and "Option Aquatic."
- 1984 - 1985 - 1986: - To meet the demand of the NAP operator sunbathers on the Cote d'Azur, the PFF is organizing three workshops experimental Tractor Drivers aquatic option at the Grande Motte and Nice.
- 1991: - Premier Championship France parasailing Earth.
-1992: - Updating skills to oversee federal volunteer parasailing in a club affiliated to the FFP (Federal Technician climb - Monitor Federal parasailing)
- 1994: - First Proceedings of the FFP with the Ministry of Youth and Sports to obtain federal certification of diplomas parasailing (ascending land and water).
"Teaching parasailing Boat canopies with hemispherical nozzle in any property."

- 2002: - Creation of Specialty "water sports" in the Professional Diploma in Youth, Popular Education and Sport (Order of July 9, 2002). Registered as support of the "multivalent words" the BP JEPS , PAN finally finds acclaim since it is now covered by a High State , in order to teach it, the frame or the animate cons remuneration.
Mr. Tournier - D. Grazzini - JM. PALAU
Filed under "activities to specific environment" (Decree of 18 October 2002), CREPS PACA - Site d'Antibes (the only property of the Ministry JS Ability - Decree of 11 April 2003) will implement, by 2003, the preparatory training for this new qualification, where the PAN is associated with the support "towed" (BP JEPS "multivalent").
- June 2, 2003 , beginning at the site CREPS PACA Antibes, the an era Training BPJEPS preparing for the words "Parachuting Nautical ascension and towed ".
- June 2006, implementation of the Site CREPS PACA Antibes, two Special Sessions training permitting, holders of Federal Monitorat PAN could justify more than three years of coaching towed gear, before 2003, to obtain the BPJEPS words "Parascending Nautical and towed.
While in the sixties, the basics of parasailing are built, in France, in big blow to innovation (Lemoigne Wings), there is also a development of this new discipline in Europe and especially England , under the leadership of Walter Neumark, and in Italy, Holland, Belgium and Germany, where some clubs parasailing emerge.
If the evolution of parasailing in France at the beginning rather oriented towards the practice of land upward, it United States and especially in Florida as parasailing Boat will reach its greatest development from 1961 .
Indeed, American society Pioneer Parachute Compagny " based in Manchester, Connecticut, who bought the license Lemoigne, will slightly modify the parachute Lemoigne 679 A and marketed under the name of "Parasail". Essentially
practiced early in the "range mode" (starting range) is Mark McCulloh who, through his many inventions and innovations since 1971 will lay the foundations for the modern boating parasailing and diversify the modes Practice ("Floating Dock - Boat Platform").
In England, in 1978 , Brian GASKIN Company creates "Waterbird Parakites. It will then break into the market parasailing Boat with his parachute 24 ft Waterbird 16 "which serve as a baseline for the development of new parachutes the late 20 th Century;
Meanwhile, after making known worldwide brand Waterbird, Brian Tripp creates in turn, in 1984, his own company parachute "Sportlite Parasail" which now divides the world market with Waterbird parasails water.

To learn more visit the following websites:

is the beginning of the glory for Peter Lemoigne who, with Pioneer, manufactures the famous parachute "Para-Commander" with which , in 1964, the U.S. team win all the medals at the World Championships in Parachuting Lentkirch.Sollicité also by NASA to participate in the manufacture of large parachutes for the recovery of the capsules at sea "Apollo", the French manufacturers finally realize their mistake and that is, August 5, 1964, the French company negotiates EFA, in turn, with Pierre Lemoigne operation of its patents.

Para-Commander / Olympic / Butterfly
Michel Tournier :
Colonel in the Air Force and former paratrooper Test Center Flight Test Bretigny, Michel Tournier (1927-1998) was the first man to perform Takeoff and flight parasailing towed (July 25, 1960). Expert in court for the French Federation of Parachuting, skills, enthusiasm, dedication and professionalism have been recognized by all factors in the development of paragliding in France .
Engaged since 1970 in monitoring parasailing boat, he must now have managed to get approval from the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the diploma Federal Monitor parasailing Boat first French qualification for teaching and professional leadership of the NAP and endorsed by all professionals in France and Wed addition
Mark McCulloh :
Inventor passionate parasailing, waterski, Mark McCulloh of Miami (Florida) will, as early as 1971 , make innovations that will form the basis of parachuting upward modern nautical and contribute greatly to the development being experienced today PAN worldwide
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